The 9th edition: Striving for a Hundred Year Road, Sailing on a New Journey, Poverty Alleviation

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People's Daily Wednesday, June 9, 2021

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Vigorously carry forward the spirit of poverty alleviation

Gu Zhongyang People's Daily 》( June 9, 2021   Section 09 Version)

Great cause breeds great spirit, and great spirit leads great cause.

After eight years of poverty alleviation, the problem of absolute poverty, which has plagued the Chinese nation for thousands of years, came to a historic end.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that the great struggle against poverty has forged the spirit of "working together from top to bottom, fighting as hard as possible, being precise and pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, overcoming difficulties, and living up to the people". The spirit of poverty alleviation is a vivid portrayal of the nature and purpose of the Communist Party of China, the will and quality of the Chinese people, and the spirit of the Chinese nation. It is a concentrated reflection of patriotism, collectivism, and socialist ideology. It is a full demonstration of the Chinese spirit, Chinese values, and Chinese strength, and it continues to inherit the great national spirit and the spirit of the times.

In the fight against poverty, it is by working with one heart from top to bottom that we gather the great power to fight together. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core united and led the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups to launch the final general attack on absolute poverty, and the whole country worked together to form a common will and action to fight against poverty. On the front line of poverty alleviation, more than 3 million first secretaries and village cadres went to the most dangerous mountain roads, went to the most remote villages, pulled out the most difficult roots, and never stopped until they won a complete victory.

In the fight against poverty, it is precisely by adhering to precision, pragmatism, pioneering and innovation that we have embarked on a path of poverty reduction with Chinese characteristics. Anchoring true poverty alleviation, supporting true poverty, and getting rid of poverty, creatively proposing and implementing targeted poverty alleviation strategies, and implementing policies based on people and local poverty, the vast number of support cadres have made great efforts to help the poor to the root and to the point; Implement the strictest assessment and evaluation to ensure that the poverty alleviation results can stand the test. Based on our national conditions, we have grasped the law of poverty reduction, forged ahead, and adopted many original and unique major measures to achieve the poverty reduction goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule.

In the fight against poverty, it is precisely to fulfill the original mission of the Chinese people to seek happiness and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, overcome difficulties, and fulfill the solemn commitment to lift all the rural poor out of poverty under the current standards. The fight against poverty is a hard battle. The Party has united and led the people of all ethnic groups across the country to rise to the challenge, gnawing down hard bones such as deep poverty. Mao Xianglin, secretary of the Party branch of Xiazhuang Village, Wushan County, Chongqing, led the villagers to dig a steep road for seven years. Huang Dafa, secretary of the Party branch of the original Caowangba Village, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, led the villagers to dig a diversion canal for 36 years. Cadres and masses in poverty alleviation areas worked hard to overcome difficulties. Priority is given to ensuring investment in poverty alleviation. Current interests and local interests are subordinate to and serve the overall situation of poverty alleviation. Poverty alleviation has profoundly interpreted the concept of people centered development. On the front line of poverty alleviation, Li Baoguo, a professor of Hebei Agricultural University, has devoted his whole life to helping the poor through science and technology. He has greened Taihang Mountain and made people rich; Jiang Shikun, the former secretary of Qinglong County Party Committee in Qianxinan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou, burned his life on the road to poverty alleviation, and fulfilled the oath that "as long as there is one person in Qinglong who has not been lifted out of poverty, I, the county party secretary, cannot rest"... More than 1800 comrades have fixed their lives on the road to poverty alleviation.

Poverty alleviation is not the end, but the starting point of a new life and struggle. On the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, the depth, breadth and difficulty of comprehensively implementing the rural revitalization strategy are no less than those of poverty alleviation. We should vigorously carry forward the spirit of poverty alleviation, work together from top to bottom, and do our best to gather more powerful driving forces, and draw a blueprint to the end. We should be precise, pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, vigorously promote the high-quality development of the "three rural" work, and strive to paint a magnificent picture of the overall revitalization of the countryside. We should always bear in mind the mission of the people, overcome difficulties, make more tangible and substantial progress in promoting common prosperity for all people, and constantly meet the people's aspirations for a better life.

We will vigorously carry forward the spirit of poverty alleviation, unite as one, and work bravely. We will overcome all difficulties and risks on the way forward, and continue to win new and greater victories in upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics!

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