Innovation and change inject power into high-quality development

——Interview with Zong Qinghou, Founder and Chairman of Wahaha Group

□ China Entrepreneur reporter Mina

Private economy is a new force to promote Chinese style modernization and an important foundation for high-quality development. In order to better promote the development of the private economy, the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy was issued a few days ago. The reporter interviewed Zong Qinghou, the founder and chairman of Wahaha Group.

Reporter: After the release of the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy, it has aroused a strong response among entrepreneurs. What are you impressed with?

Zong Qinghou: The Opinions deeply analyzed the pain points, blockages and difficulties of the current development of private enterprises, issued a series of policies and measures around the high-quality development of the private economy, made new major arrangements to promote the development and growth of the private economy, fully reflected the party and the state's great attention to the private economy and deep concern for private entrepreneurs, which encouraged us deeply, It also inspires the confidence of private enterprises to develop for a long time and become a new force of modernization.

There are several parts of the Opinions that impressed me deeply. First, the specific measures of "protecting the property rights of private enterprises and the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in accordance with the law" made me feel the determination of the Party and the state to protect the rights and interests of private entrepreneurs equally and comprehensively. At the same time, the Opinions proposes to promote private enterprises to "accelerate digital transformation and technological transformation", which plays an important role in guiding the traditional manufacturing industry to practice new development concepts and actively integrate into the high-quality development process of the real economy.

The Opinions also put forward requirements for high-quality development of private enterprises in terms of improving enterprise structure and system, accelerating scientific and technological innovation, promoting digital intelligence transformation and upgrading, and fulfilling social responsibilities. The party and the state support private enterprises to participate in national major strategies, encourage "improving employees' enjoyment of enterprise development achievements", "investing in the central and western regions and northeast regions", "participating in rural revitalization", etc., which is an affirmation and encouragement for us to adhere to the path of business excellence and common prosperity.

Reporter: How to understand high-quality development in combination with the company's practice? What are the current problems?

Zong Qinghou: High quality development is one of the essential requirements of Chinese modernization and the primary task of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. High quality development of enterprises is related to high-quality economic development. As entrepreneurs in the new era, we should shoulder the responsibility and mission bravely and embark on a new journey under new opportunities and challenges. Wahaha's experience mainly includes three aspects.

First, quality and integrity build the foundation for high-quality development. High quality development should implement the improvement of quality and quantity in every product and service. Enterprises should adhere to the spirit of craftsmanship, improve the quality management system, improve the quality management ability, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the market.

Secondly, technology empowerment is the engine to promote high-quality development. In recent years, Wahaha has been committed to enabling green manufacturing and management with digitalization and intelligence, insisting on integrating the concept of green waste free into product design, exploring green design and cleaner production, and promoting the reduction of packaging consumables that are prone to generate solid waste. In 2021, Wahaha invested nearly 500 million yuan to establish an intelligent beverage production base in Wencheng, Wenzhou, which is the latest practice of actively exploring the "future factory".

Thirdly, innovation and change inject power into high-quality development. Innovation is the first driving force to lead development. Enterprises should adhere to increasing R&D investment, strengthening independent innovation capability, in-depth insight into consumer demand, and innovation driven development. Over the past 36 years, Wahaha has experienced follow-up innovation, introduction of innovation and independent innovation. At first, we introduced the whole line from abroad and developed into our own integrated automated production line. Now, we have achieved technological leadership and designed and built an intelligent factory.

In the process of high-quality development, transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, there will inevitably be pain. As far as the food and beverage industry is concerned, I think we should still steadily promote the improvement of advanced manufacturing capacity, and use digital technology, information technology, intelligent technology, industrial Internet, new energy and other new technologies to enable high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry; Take consumers as the guide, strengthen the "service attribute" of products, produce safe and healthy products that consumers need, and tap into the competitiveness and vitality of products.

Reporter: Please talk about your confidence in future development and strategic planning?

Zong Qinghou: China is a major economy with long-term stable economic growth. It has a solid material foundation, strong development resilience, and social stability. At the same time, we have a super large market with a population of more than 1.4 billion, and there is still great market potential to tap. In such a big political, economic and social background, I am confident of the future development.

From the report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China to the Central Economic Work Conference and the Opinions, they all emphasized the adherence to the "two unswervingness", provided a strong policy guarantee for the development and growth of the private economy, reassured private entrepreneurs once again, and made us deeply feel the support of the party and the state for the private economy.

In terms of industrial transformation, the era of high-quality development of manufacturing has arrived. In the future, manufacturing will become a new engine of economic growth, an important support for high-quality development, and an important symbol of national strength and international competitiveness. At the same time, the development of the manufacturing industry will also continue to promote intelligence and digitization, greening and environmental protection, personalization and customization.

On the basis of deep cultivation of the main business, we continue to promote brand upgrading, scale up health, and explore intelligent manufacturing, which is also the advanced way for many traditional manufacturing enterprises to strive for transformation and upgrading. In the future, we will also continue to explore intelligent manufacturing in the food and beverage industry, constantly innovate and change, and build an enterprise with an everlasting foundation.

2023-09-19 □ China Entrepreneur reporter Mina

——Interview with Zong Qinghou, Founder and Chairman of Wahaha Group

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