
    Easy Point Cloud shares carbon reduction and win-win business model with 200 countries in the United Nations

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Science and Technology News

    The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) was held in Dubai from November 30 to December 12 this year. This conference is not only a milestone of global climate governance, but also the first global inventory of the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

     Easy Point Cloud shares carbon reduction and win-win business model with 200 countries in the United Nations

    During the period, the theme sideline meeting led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment was held in the Chinese Corner, and Yidian Cloud was invited to participate in it to share its carbon reduction and business win-win model.

    As a comprehensive office IT solution provider for small and medium-sized enterprises, how can Yidian Cloud share its carbon reduction experience with 200 countries in the United Nations?

    Create the "office cloud" model to help enterprises transform digitally

    For a long time, most small and medium-sized enterprises have chosen to purchase IT hardware equipment independently to meet the office needs of the company. However, with the change of the company's business status and the aging of equipment, the equipment is either idle or obsolete. In addition, enterprises lack full-time IT personnel, so that the company's IT equipment is not maintained, which will not only cost a lot of money to repair and recruit IT staff, but also cost a lot of time.

    In order to solve these pain points, Yidian Cloud proposed the IT infrastructure concept of office cloud, which aims to enable enterprises to purchase office IT services on demand, solve the problem of low IT efficiency in enterprise offices, and help enterprises to achieve digital transformation.

    The "office cloud" comprehensive solution proposed by Yidian Cloud means that enterprises pay for IT equipment and services on a monthly basis through the integrated subscription of IT equipment and services. In addition, the number of IT equipment used is highly flexible and can be updated at any time according to customer needs. At the same time, various IT software and hardware problems are solved by the office cloud supplier.

    Compared with the traditional PC purchase model, the "office cloud" model created by Easy Point Cloud can reduce more IT operation and maintenance costs for SMEs.

    From the perspective of PC vacancy rate, due to personnel fluctuations, cross department coordination difficulties and other reasons, the vacancy rate of general enterprises' PC equipment is up to more than 20%. Under the office cloud model, Yidian Cloud proposes services such as "one set is available, paid on demand, free of deposit, and full course warranty". Enterprises can subscribe to IT equipment on demand, and the PC vacancy rate is less than 5%, thus reducing electronic waste.

    From the perspective of service life, the average service life of PC equipment purchased by enterprises is 4 years. Due to the strong remanufacturing capability, the service life of equipment in the office cloud mode can usually reach 10 years, greatly improving the use efficiency of computing equipment and reducing the use cost of customers.

    In the office cloud mode, Easy Point Cloud uses one PC for three devices, and the computing power of the PC is undoubtedly maximized. What technology does Easy Point Cloud use to improve the efficiency of computing power utilization of equipment?

    Reinforce technical moat and develop green business model

    The unique remanufacturing technology of Easy Point Cloud is the biggest card that distinguishes Easy Point Cloud from other IT equipment suppliers in the domestic market. Yidian Cloud has the largest remanufacturing factory in China and even in the world, and has developed 132 patents and monographs, including fully automated script detection procedures, covering full function testing of IT equipment, etc. After entering the remanufacturing factory, a PC needs 147 inspection and manufacturing processes to reach the factory standard.

    Among them, the core of the point cloud remanufacturing technology is its chip level repair technology. It does not need to replace the motherboard. Through the chip renovation, it can realize the remanufacturing of a device. The intelligent manufacturing and service system of Easy Point Cloud can divide each product and service into delivery units with the smallest granularity, and realize the standardization of manufacturing and service.

    Zhang Bin, COO of Yidian Cloud, once said, "The difficulty of remanufacturing technology is to incorporate non-standard computer remanufacturing into the standard manufacturing process. If the computer screen is damaged, other peers will directly discard it, but Yidian Cloud will split the backlight and screen paper of the screen through digital detection. If the screen paper is yellow, change the screen paper, accurately locate and solve the problem."

    Through the powerful remanufacturing technology of Easy Point Cloud, the service life of ordinary equipment can be extended from 3-5 years to 7-10 years. The average time to manufacture another equipment is less than 10 days, and the average remanufacturing cost is as low as 66 yuan/set, which greatly improves the full cycle value of equipment, reduces the operating cost, and also plays a role in carbon reduction. The annual reduction of 50000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions is equivalent to the annual planting of 2.7 million trees.

    Previously, the case of "Yidian Cloud IT equipment remanufacturing technology to achieve carbon emission reduction" was also included in the list of "2022 excellent practice cases of green and low-carbon development of enterprises" issued by the China Enterprise Confederation.

    The green business model of Easy Point Cloud is in line with China's "dual carbon" policy and plays a positive demonstration role in the "coordinated development of pollution reduction and carbon reduction" advocated by China. Every time the computer of Easy Point Cloud is opened, it is equivalent that the cloud participates in a carbon reduction action.

    This time, Easy Point Cloud can share its business model and carbon emission reduction experience in front of 200 countries, and will also attract more people to participate in green practices.

    For the future IT equipment operation market, the business model of Easy Point Cloud itself has strong profitability and growth, and is expected to become a dark horse in the enterprise service industry.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Easy Point Cloud shares carbon reduction and win-win business model with 200 countries in the United Nations true report three thousand and fifty-one The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) was held in Dubai from November 30 to December 12 this year. This conference is not only a milestone of global climate governance, but also the first global inventory of the implementation of the Paris Agreement. During the period, the theme side meeting led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment was held in the corner of China, and Yidian Cloud was invited to participate in it, sharing its carbon reduction and business win-win model
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