
How about performance, endurance and heat dissipation? Measured by Samsung Tab 3 8.0

No comment Zhongguancun Online Original] Author:   |  Editor in charge: Zhang Jianfeng

       Samsung For Galaxy on the official website Tab The detailed model of the processor was not mentioned in the introduction of 3 8.0. At the beginning, the dual core and 1.5GHz main frequency made the author think that the processing core of Intel Atom was the same as the 10.1 inch Tab 3. However, after the CPU-Z test, we saw the Exynos 4212 processor model in the test interface, which is based on the Cortex A9 architecture and uses 32nm high K metal grid (HK/MG) The manufacturing process of.

 More than 2000 yuan Samsung personal computer Galaxy Tab 3 evaluation
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 is equipped with Exynos 4212 dual core processor

 More than 2000 yuan Samsung personal computer Galaxy Tab 3 evaluation
Internal structure diagram of Exynos 4212 processor

In fact, the Exynos 4212 processor was released as early as September 2011, which is actually an improved version based on the Exynos 4210 processor. Officially, the Samsung Exynos 4210 processor can save 30% power and increase speed by 25% compared with the previous one. The previous test also confirmed that the average power consumption of Samsung Exynos 4210 processor with 1.2GHz main frequency under full load reached 1.6W, while that of Exyonos 4212 was less than 1W.

 More than 2000 yuan Samsung personal computer Galaxy Tab 3 evaluation

In addition to the reduction of power consumption, the power consumption improvement and improvement brought by the 32nm process are also reflected in the graphics processor. Previously, the GPU frequency of the Exynos 4210 processor was maintained at 266MHz, while the Exynos 4212 was increased to 400MHz, and the overall graphics processing performance was improved by about 50%.

In addition, Exynos 4212 also uses an advanced codec accelerator, which supports digital video, video recording and 1080p full HD resolution playback, as well as a rich combination of image signal processors and an on-chip HDMI 1.4 interface.

 More than 2000 yuan Samsung personal computer Galaxy Tab 3 evaluation
Angora rabbit The best in the dual core with a comprehensive score of 10000

In the data scoring, we also simply used the latest version of Anthare for testing, and the test results reached the top level of the industry in terms of power consumption control, speed and scoring performance in the current dual core processing chip solution of Samsung Exynos 4212. true // report one thousand three hundred and seven Samsung's introduction to Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 on its official website did not mention the detailed model of the processor. At the beginning, the dual core and 1.5GHz main frequency made the author think that the Intel Atom processing core was used as the 10.1 inch Tab 3. However, after the CPU-Z test, we saw the Exynos 4212 processor model in the test interface
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