Beautiful out of the sky without leaving home to show you the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland

  • 16:47, January 30, 2019
  • Source: China Weather Network
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On the afternoon of January 28, the work of "2017-2018 Annual Photography Competition Selection" was successfully concluded, and the four major awards were officially announced. In the end, 8 works including "The Wind Disaster" won the gold, silver and bronze prizes respectively, and 9 works including "The Coming Storm" won the best news award. Name of work: lightning and thunder; photographer: Zhu Yunlei. INTRODUCTION: In July 2018, there were frequent thunderstorms on the top of Kuocang Mountain in Zhejiang Province. It was just sunny, and in a twinkling of an eye, clouds were rolling, dark clouds were gathering, and thunder and lightning flashed. The photographer captured the moment of thunderstorm, bringing a visual feast.

Heat map recommendation

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