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People's hot comment: "Children are too difficult"! How to "pinch" the "pinch point enrollment"?

Qiu Feng
May 17, 2024 09:08 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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"Basically, they signed a contract with the school in advance, and they can't say to the outside that" the children are too difficult, and there is no time to play "" It costs hundreds of thousands of yuan to learn now "... According to the Focus Interview, it is now the enrollment stage of primary school entrance. Originally, the primary school entrance policy was free of examinations, but there are still many parents anxious about choosing a school for their children. A few days ago, a reporter's investigation found that the recruitment instruction meeting held by some institutions to cooperate with individual schools is being carried out secretly.

Whether "children are too difficult" or "hundreds of thousands of yuan are spent", the parents' feelings of helplessness, powerlessness, and helplessness are lingering. The schools involved are "pinching the top". If you don't cooperate, children will not be able to enter the so-called good schools and key classes, and will fall behind on the education track. This is also an important reason for parents' anxiety.

The problem is that as early as 2014, the Ministry of Education began to promote the entrance examination free primary school entrance to nearby schools. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has required all localities to fully implement the full coverage of examination free admission to nearby schools and "citizens enroll together", and guide all localities to improve the school zoning policy. It is worth mentioning that just last month, the Ministry of Education issued a notice that it will carry out the special action of sunshine enrollment for 2024 compulsory education, and resolutely crack down on such phenomena as "dark box operation" and "sharp enrollment". This is the first time that the Ministry of Education has made a comprehensive and systematic work deployment for national compulsory education enrollment through special action. In this context, why do some schools ignore the regulations and repeatedly "pinch"?

It can be determined that "pinching the top enrollment" not only undermines education fairness and breaks the hearts of parents, but also is a key point of governance of relevant departments. It is the voice of the public and the responsibility of the relevant departments to comprehensively investigate the prominent problems strongly reflected by the people, further improve the policies, regulations, procedures and methods of compulsory education near the entrance examination free and "citizens enrolling together", and enhance the scientificity, standardization and transparency of enrollment.

So, how can we "pinch" the chaos of "pinching the top enrollment"? On the one hand, strengthen the publicity of enrollment information. All localities should increase the transparency of enrollment work, accept social supervision, and take the initiative to disclose the important information that the masses care about, such as enrollment policy, division scope, enrollment conditions, enrollment procedures, etc. The more transparent the enrollment work is, the easier it is for the public to supervise, and the more difficult it is to "pinch the top" enrollment.

On the other hand, optimize the enrollment process. All localities should strictly implement the policy deployment of the State Council on further optimizing government services to improve efficiency, further optimize enrollment and computer assignment, facilitate enrollment process, and reduce the burden on the masses. In fact, it is of great significance and not difficult to implement the policy of promoting the entrance examination free primary school entrance to nearby schools. As long as the relevant departments adhere to the principle of fairness, strictly abide by the rules, do not change their minds, and do not have the idea of "recruiting students".

However, from the feedback of reality, some schools have repeatedly beaten the beaten track to commit crimes against the wind in order to increase the promotion rate. In this regard, we must deal with it seriously according to law and regulations. As the Ministry of Education said in a document, educational administrative departments at all levels should strengthen the guidance of regions and schools with frequent problems and high public opinion during enrollment, investigate and deal with all illegal enrollment behaviors, and seriously investigate the responsibility of relevant responsible persons.

In the final analysis, the relevant schools dare not mess up because they are serious and accountable. If we turn a blind eye to the "pinching enrollment", or acquiesce in the "pinching enrollment" of the schools concerned due to their political achievements, it will be difficult to eradicate this disorder. Experts pointed out that at present, many local education administrative departments still focus on the assessment and evaluation of schools, which is one of the important reasons why enrollment chaos continues. From this point of view, to completely eliminate the chaos of "pinching the top" enrollment, local education administrative departments should "correct the three perspectives", improve the assessment system, and not "force" relevant schools to "pinch the top".

Education fairness should not be trampled. Cut off the idea of "score only", "cut off" the biased view of political achievements, and "pinching the sharp enrollment" will lose its soil. Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued a notice proposing to carry out the "standardized management year" action for basic education, which includes prohibiting schools in the compulsory education stage from organizing various examinations for the purpose of selecting students, or using various competition certificates, social training results, grading certificates, etc. as the basis for enrollment. If we have the determination, direction and strength to control "pinching the top enrollment", it will certainly have an effect.

(Editor in charge: Xu Yuhan, Qu Yuan)

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