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People come to talk: crack down on exam aid services and create a clear recruitment environment

17:33, January 10, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, some employers' campus recruitment has entered the written examination. However, some netizens reported that some intermediaries provided "highly subcontracted" examination aid services aimed at graduates' urgent mentality, which was not only suspected of violating recruitment and examination rules, but also seriously disrupted the order of the job market.

In recent years, the competition in the job market is fierce. It is difficult to find one post and competition among many people has become the norm. As the pre link of audition, the written examination has a large number of participants, and the assessment of candidates is more objective. Due to the limited space and high coordination cost, some employers adopt online examination. Some intermediaries, taking advantage of the applicants' desire to pass the written examination successfully, charge hundreds to thousands of fees to help the examinees cheat by embedding software, taking photos and uploading them. Some intermediaries also teach online cheating skills to candidates. For example, guide candidates to adjust screen height, camera angle, mobile phone position, etc. for some written tests that require setting a second perspective camera. Some intermediaries even provide offline examination assistance services, by sending people to the scene to participate in the written examination, upload synchronous answers and send the answers synchronously. The written recruitment examination was originally an important way for employers to comprehensively investigate the various situations of job seekers, and also a way to quickly and fairly screen job seekers. The test aid service may make the test results inaccurate and fail, and even make the examinees who are seriously prepared to review and answer the test lose fair results.

Enterprise recruitment naturally hopes to find the most suitable talents. The written examination examines the knowledge structure, professional quality, psychological quality, reaction ability, personality characteristics, etc. of the candidates, and can quickly select the most suitable candidates for the production and development needs of the enterprise. If the examinee cheats by purchasing the "exam aid service", the examinee's answers will not truly present their own characteristics, which may cause enterprises to misjudge the selection and employment of people, or even miss out on outstanding talents. In fact, some popular industries, enterprises and jobs are more attractive and more attractive. If the cheaters succeed in the final job application, but those who are down-to-earth and serious fail, the bad money may drive out the good money, which may lead to a bad social atmosphere.

It seems that the exam aid service only disturbs the recruitment order of enterprises, but in fact it does far less harm. All sectors of society should face up to the harm of cheating and crack down on it. In the fierce employment competition environment, the society needs a fair and just selection process, only in this way can the job seekers feel more secure. Relevant departments should focus on investigating and handling illegal examination aid institutions, increase punishment, and form an effective deterrent. It is necessary to create a social atmosphere in which one can get a job based on one's own ability, and it is difficult to do anything by others. The platform should also resolutely crack down on "exam aid services". "exam aid services" are illegal, and the platform has the responsibility and obligation to limit them. It can review the advertising of exam aid in advance, block such information through keyword search and positioning technology, and ban the recruitment of exam aid merchants under the guise of "exam coaching". As an enterprise, exam aid services seriously affect the seriousness and standardization of enterprise recruitment. Enterprises with conditions can adopt more offline examination methods. If they adopt online methods, they should develop or require third-party recruitment enterprises to develop online examination platforms with higher safety factors, including the use of face recognition technology to strictly check the identity of candidates, strengthen the supervision of electronic products and equipment in the examination room and the troubleshooting of online examination embedded software.

Under the fierce job search competition, a fair and just job search environment is the greatest protection for all parties. The exam aid service seems to help individuals take a shortcut, but it will have a huge negative impact on enterprises and society. We will severely crack down on exam aid services and create a clear job environment.

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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