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Let the People Talk: Let TCM Psychology Have More Development Space

08:39, January 6, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the psychological problems of social groups. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the role of psychological factors in comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, and has formed a more systematic empirical method. However, for a period of time, the inheritance and development of psychotherapy techniques have not been paid enough attention. With the increasingly prominent role of psychotherapy in modern medicine, it is more urgent to strengthen the inheritance and promotion of traditional Chinese medicine in psychotherapy.

With the advancement of modern medical model and multifactor theory, psychosomatic diseases are increasingly valued by the medical community. TCM psychotherapy is rich in content and diverse in form. It directly affects the cognition and emotion of patients through language and behavior, and affects the occurrence, development and transformation of psychosomatic diseases. It can play an active leading and auxiliary role in clinical practice. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment contains many successful experiences of psychotherapy and psychological intervention. For example, the traditional Chinese medicine "emotion wins emotion therapy" once mentioned that "grief can cure anger, happiness can cure sorrow, fear can cure happiness, anger can cure thinking, and thinking can cure fear." That is to say, one emotion can correct the corresponding emotion, and use drugs or food with five element attributes to regulate. As mentioned in Su Wen · Ancient Innocence Theory, "Being indifferent and nihilistic, the true qi follows it, the spirit is conservative, and the illness is safe." It means that people who are seriously ill or disabled are under great psychological pressure, perhaps because of work, economy, family and other reasons. TCM psychology focuses on the use of enlightenment, education, counseling, encouragement, hypnosis, suggestion, psychoanalysis, cognitive reconstruction and behavior correction, which is more suitable for the unique introverted personality of Chinese people. Inheriting and expanding the theory of TCM in psychological diagnosis and treatment will not only help alleviate the current situation of frequent group psychological problems, but also play an important role in expanding the influence of TCM.

At present, some people have many psychological problems, and TCM psychology should play an active role. According to the 2022 National Blue Book on Depression, there are nearly 95 million patients with depression in China, 30% of whom are adolescents under the age of 18. There is a huge demand for psychotherapy. In recent years, Chinese medicine colleges and hospitals in some regions have made great efforts to explore the application of psychotherapy in clinical practice, leading and assisting patients with mental diseases and major diseases to improve their mental state, and then treating diseases with positive effects. The value of Chinese medicine psychology has gradually been recognized and accepted. However, the limited application of TCM psychology, the limited number of outpatient clinics and the lack of relevant talents restrict its influence.

More supporting measures are needed to give full play to the positive role of TCM psychology. The development of TCM psychology needs both inheritance and innovation. We should increase the basic research on mental health issues in traditional Chinese medicine, do a good job in popularizing mental health knowledge and mental diseases, and standardize the development of mental health services such as psychotherapy and psychological consultation. Promote the innovative development of TCM psychology. Using modern science and technology as an auxiliary means, integrating the advanced concepts of western medical theories, and constantly promoting more accurate identification and more effective treatment. Improve the overall diagnosis and treatment technology and level of clinicians, and focus on solving psychosomatic medicine related difficult diseases in a comprehensive mode. Medical colleges and universities, especially those of traditional Chinese medicine, can set up TCM psychology specialty or relevant elective courses, formulate systematic and perfect teaching syllabus and curriculum, and realize systematic teaching management. Encourage the development of TCM psychology through institutional means. Establish a service system, service mode and management mode in line with its characteristics. Such as setting up corresponding departments in general hospitals and specialized hospitals according to actual needs.

(Editor in charge: Wang Caoqun, Qu Yuan)

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