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On the People: "Shining Shops" Gather the Power of Serious Life

Forest breeze
December 29, 2023 10:22 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Steaming steamed buns, smoky barbecues, fragrant sausages... Recently, the documentary "Shining Shop" attracted netizens' attention. These "fireworks" scattered around people, each with its own characteristics, have won many people's praise. Netizens said, "It's still that flavor" and "It's really delicious".

Food is paramount to the people. Catering food and special taste are often the most appetizing and popular. Small shops and businesses all over the streets are not only important elements of urban pyrotechnics, but also "capillaries" of economic development. For a period of time, under the promotion of stable consumption growth and confidence, all regions have made every effort to introduce policies to facilitate and serve small stores and merchants. For example, several small businesses mentioned in "Shining Shops" are famous and popular online and offline, in essence, because they gather the power of serious life.

See love and persistence in serious life. A small shop is an important source of life for a couple and a family. To run a small store well, you need to invest a lot of time and energy, love and stick to the cause, and be not afraid of setbacks and hardships. "I can accept failure, but I must do it." In the documentary, the owner of the barbecue shop said the true meaning of entrepreneurship. The Qingquange Steamed Bun Shop, which has been in operation for 38 years, also sticks to the freshest ingredients and the most original technology. Some steamed buns have not been increased in price for more than ten or twenty years. "Shining stores" are popular and famous, first of all because of their love for business and their adherence to food materials, processes and prices.

In the serious life, we see striving for perfection. The fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alley. Taste and quality are the most important things in a small restaurant. Whether it's steamed stuffed buns or sausages, good taste and quality are the basis. This requires not only careful and emotional investment in business, but also adhering to the process, improving, inheriting and carrying forward. "It may not only be a product, but also a memory and feelings." Qingquange Steamed Bun Shop is dedicated to improving, which is serious. For example, the sausage made by Yongchanghe sausage shop is very exquisite in its production process and flow requirements. Every step of meat quality, ingredients, time, temperature, heat, etc. requires detailed control and precise control. It is precisely by careful study of sausage craftsmanship and keeping improving on details that the sausage finally succeeded in applying for intangible cultural heritage. Having faith and inheritance in catering food is the best feedback for the operators to keep improving.

In serious life, we see that we should keep pace with the times. Under the new media technology, small stores will not only "flash" off the street. Good craftsmanship and taste will "shine" across the country once they use new technologies and platforms such as live broadcast and group buying. This requires small stores to dare to innovate and keep pace with the times. Several shopkeepers in the documentary mentioned that through the online group purchase of Douyin, the business has grown and the youth group has expanded. According to the data of Zidouyin Life Service, in 2023, there will be more than 1.13 million such small restaurants, which will gain new customers and new growth through short videos, live broadcast and other new forms of communication. For the operators of small stores, they need to stick to the taste and quality, adapt to new changes from "Xiaobai", learn new technologies and explore new forms. The repeated learning and attempts of store managers are vivid expressions of serious life.

There is no small shop, and the door will flash. From establishment and operation to taste service, from offline quality to online group purchase "bringing goods", only by being careful and attentive in every detail can we gradually put together bundles of "light". And those diners who are willing to queue up in small stores for meals and purchase online in groups, who are not serious about life? It is an inspiration from the "shining shop" to do well in every food with heart and emotion, and strive hard to live a good life every day.

(Editor in charge: Xu Yuhan, Qu Yuan)

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