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Cultivate patriotism and strive to be a fighter

05:31, October 3, 2023 | Source: People's Daily
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In the field, farmers are enthusiastic to share the joy of harvest; At border posts, soldiers guard the border and reinforce the defense for the Party and the people; At the grass-roots level, Party members and cadres stick to their posts and devote themselves... On the occasion of the National Day, the ever-changing changes in various places and people's enthusiasm show a new atmosphere of vitality in China, reflecting the march of the country and the nation.

Patriotic feelings are the most sincere, and the struggling country is young. Since the new era, the Shenzhou spacecraft has "joined forces in the sky", and the Chinese space station has soared around the world, leaving more Chinese people in the vast universe; The C919 big plane follows the blue sky, Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge flies over three places, and the world witnesses more Chinese creation; The Beijing Winter Olympics is extraordinary, the Chengdu Universiade and the Hangzhou Asian Games are brilliant, and the international community has heard more Chinese voices. From the earth moving epic of struggle, to the stirring oriental legend, to the glory of a great power that attracts worldwide attention, today's China has become a China that dreams come true one after another, is full of vitality, continues its national spirit, and is closely connected with the world. Patriotic power is contained in every inch of hot land, and the spirit of struggle is rooted in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. The Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong, and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process.

The new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an era in which the Chinese people create a bright future in new tests and challenges, and an era in which the Chinese people struggle to create a better life. Encourage young scholars returning from overseas to "consciously pursue serving the country and the people", normal school students to "go to the place where the motherland and the people most need after graduation", and hope old professors to "train more high-quality talents who listen to the Party's words, follow the Party, have ideals, have skills, and have the ability to offer steel and iron for the country" The customs team "should be a good national guard to reassure the Party and satisfy the people"... General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest advice to the strivers in all walks of life has encouraged every dreamer to devote himself to the great practice of the new era and encouraged every Chinese people to keep forging ahead for the development and prosperity of the motherland. How deep your feelings are, how firm your belief in progress is, and how firm your steps are. As long as we set up the firm ideal of permanent struggle and sincere dedication for the motherland and the people, and always regard national prosperity, national rejuvenation, and people's happiness as our aspiration, we can provide a common spiritual pillar and strong spiritual impetus for the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Fist patriotism, and ardent ambition. Patriotism is the spiritual bond for the Chinese nation to unite and strive for self-improvement. Stabilizing the economy, promoting development, fighting poverty, building a well-off society, controlling the epidemic, combating major disasters, responding to the situation and resolving crises... Great changes in the new era are made by the Party and the people together, and the most fundamental lies in the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. Practice has fully proved that the "two establishment" is the decisive factor to promote the cause of the Party and the country to achieve historic achievements and historic changes, and is the greatest certainty, confidence and guarantee to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and deal with all uncertainties.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the baton of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation has historically fallen on our generation." The grand goal will not be easily achieved, and the road ahead will inevitably be full of trials and hardships. In today's world, turmoil is intertwined, changes in the past century have accelerated, and uncertainties and unpredictable factors have increased significantly. The realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is in a critical period, with both calm and rough seas. The closer we are to the goal, the more complex the situation is, and the more arduous the task is, the more we need to consciously integrate patriotism, ambition to strengthen the country, and service to the country into the struggle to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, build a modern socialist power, and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Let's think together and work together.

To forge ahead on a new journey, let us foster patriotism and pool our strength to be invincible. For every Chinese, patriotism is the duty, the duty, the heart and the home of love. Only by adhering to the unity of patriotism, loving the Party and socialism can patriotism be alive and true. On the way forward, if we stimulate the great enthusiasm of loving the Party, patriotism and socialism, closely link our ideals with the future of the motherland, and our lives with the destiny of the nation, and make patriotism a firm belief, spiritual strength, and conscious action, we will surely gather the great power of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

To forge ahead on a new journey, let us inspire the spirit of struggle and go on the journey of glory and dreams. The new era is the era of strivers. The sail of the ideal of life must be raised by struggle, and the mission of national rejuvenation must be realized by struggle. At the reception to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Unity is strength, and confidence is better than gold." In a country with a population of more than 1.4 billion, every person's contribution can converge into an overwhelming force, and every person can accomplish one thing and do one job well, and the cause of the party and the country can move forward. On the way forward, we should maintain the ambition of Yugong to remove mountains and the perseverance of dropping water to pierce stones. We should not indulge in fantasy or empty voice. We should stand on the tide and fight bravely, and continue to create the great historical time of the Chinese nation in the great history of mankind with an indomitable spirit and an indomitable attitude of struggle.

The tide is flat and the shore is wide and the sails are strong. "China's yesterday has been written in the annals of human history, China's today is being created by hundreds of millions of people, and China's tomorrow will be more beautiful." On the new journey, we will unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", strengthen the "four consciousness", and firm the "four self-confidence" To achieve "two safeguards", hold high the great banner of patriotism, work hard and work together along the broad road of Chinese modernization, we will surely create new and greater miracles!

People's Daily (October 3, 2023, Version 1)

(Editor in charge: Niu Yong, Qu Yuan)

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