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One of the three comments on "the difficulty of short video" on People's Daily Online: time black hole, increasingly harmful

It is undeniable that short video has become an important platform for people's communication, content consumption and business operation. But at the same time, the short board of short video development is also increasingly prominent, which is worrying. Short video content creation is seriously homogenized, copyright protection is absent, and vulgar content and creative plagiarism are popular; short video addiction extends from the early youth to "up to 99, down to children", becoming the synonym of "time black hole"; short video fraud and other violations of laws and regulations occur frequently, impacting public order and good customs, affecting social stability. These negative impacts will ultimately be paid by the society and the audience. It is time to face up to the many problems faced by the development of short video.

People's Daily Online's third comment on "the difficulty of short video": vicious competition and wanton pursuit

The short video industry is surging. While providing more vivid and intuitive content and services for the public, the following problems, such as indulging in short videos, creating and disseminating false information, vulgar content, showing off wealth and competing, and cheating traffic without bottom line, have aroused more social attention. If you want to cure the disease, you need to investigate its source.

People's Daily Online's third comment on "the difficulty of short video": improve algorithm and strengthen responsibility

In the digital era, Internet companies have enormous energy, which can not only promote the development of various social undertakings, but also may bring a series of challenges. The stronger its momentum, the more it needs to build a dam of responsibility. At present, attracted by the development dividend of the short video industry, Internet companies have crowded into the track.

One of the three comments on "rubbing traffic" on People's Daily Online: losing the bottom line and corrupting the atmosphere

In many hot events, there are always a number of social platform accounts dancing wildly, and they rush for traffic, which is often a huge black hole of interest. For the sake of insanity, they fabricated the identity close to the party to increase the credibility of the information and attract the attention of netizens; used the public's anxiety, sympathy for the weak, and curiosity to stir up the emotions of netizens; seized on the "mouth of anger" with unclear truth and inconclusive outcome, obtained traffic by fabricating rumors, and regarded the Internet as a free cash pool.

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on "Rubbing Traffic" (II): Pursuing Profits and Ignoring Ethics

In the information age, the hot spots are surging and the flow is rapid. Therefore, some people have "twisted their brains" and "made small calculations", and have drowned their rationality and lost their bottom line in the superstition of "flow first".

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on "Rubbing Traffic": Clear the Internet and Cut off the Bad Current

Some social platform accounts have fabricated facts for rubbing traffic, confusing Sumo wrestling and making the network environment a mess. The Internet is also clear, and governance cannot be relaxed for a moment.

One of the three "rewards for getting out of control" on People's Daily Online: losing your head and breaking the bottom line

The production of "pretending to be poor" and "selling miserably" content is eye-catching; the fictional live broadcast of "blind date" guest identity, hyping marriage and love topics; the deliberate release of "soft porn" content; the implementation of vulgar PK behavior, without the bottom line to challenge the public aesthetic... Why is it that under the continuous regulation of the regulatory authorities, some people in the field of online direct broadcasting still dare to take the edge and pursue profits? The reason is that many chaotic phenomena point to live rewards.

The second of the third comment on "out of control rewards" on People's Daily Online: What's the crux of repeated prohibitions?

As a new model and new business type, the rapid development of the live broadcast industry is inevitable. The live broadcast reward mechanism has many links and long chains, involving multiple subjects such as platforms, users and anchors. Driven by interests, it is easy to breed chaos.

The third comment on "out of control rewards" on People's Daily Online: fine supervision and strict control of "profiting"

The formation of online live broadcast reward chaos was not cold in a day, and the governance was not a day's work. The treatment of chaos needs to focus on specific analysis of specific chaos and specific actions.

One of the three comments on "food circle spillovers" on People's Daily Online: cross-border chaos is not easy

During the National Two Sessions, some members pointed out that the "rice circle" gradually penetrated into the sports field, bringing unnecessary troubles and negative effects to athletes. They suggested that the public should improve their understanding of the nature of sports competition, establish and improve the network public opinion supervision mechanism, strengthen the positive interaction between athletes and fans, and let athletes fight in the best state to win glory for the country.

The second comment on "food circle overflow" on people.com.cn: "strange circle" is out of order and "food" turns pale

In order to promote the healthy development of the "food circle culture", in recent years, the "Qinglang" action has continued to make efforts, and the "Regulations on the Protection of Minors' Networks" has been officially implemented... A series of "combination fists" have established rules and established red lines for the "food circle", and the chaos has been effectively curbed. But why is the chaos of the "rice circle" repeatedly cut grass, but it cannot be rooted, and shows signs of spillover? Once upon a time, the "rice circle" was not a "strange circle" that people would turn pale.

The third comment on "food circle overflow" on People's Daily Online: the focus of the sword finger is used to support the healthy and eliminate the evil

The chaos of "food circle" has accelerated its spread and penetration into sports and other fields, causing adverse effects, and strengthening governance is imperative. The biggest hidden danger of the "rice circle" is exclusiveness. The "overflow of the rice circle" will spread paranoia, madness and resentment to more areas.

One of the three comments on "teachers' burden reduction" on People's Daily Online: who understands the unbearable burden?

For a period of time, the topic of "heavy extracurricular burden on primary and secondary school teachers" has continued to attract widespread social attention. At the beginning of the new semester, this kind of topic has opened the discussion window again. Education is a process of waiting for flowers to bloom. Only by freeing teachers from heavy pressure and making them feel comfortable, enthusiastic, comfortable and calm, can they better shoulder the heavy task of preaching, teaching and dispelling doubts, and make new and greater contributions to the cause of the Party and the people in their teaching and educating posts.

The second of the third comment on "teachers' burden reduction" on People's Daily Online: Who's to blame if the measures cannot be implemented?

A large number of social affairs are pressing on schools and teachers, which shows the trend of formalism transferring to schools. As a relatively weak type of organization, schools are more difficult to resist this trend. In other words, the lack of implementation of relevant measures for "teachers' burden reduction" is closely related to the formalism problems existing at the social level. After all, schools do not live in a vacuum social environment.

The third comment of "teachers' burden reduction" on people.com.cn: return to the essence of teaching, who will do it?

School running is regular, and teachers have their main business. What is respecting teachers and valuing education? It is the duty of Party committees and governments at all levels to effectively reduce the burden on primary and secondary school teachers and let them devote themselves to teaching and cultivating people. It is also the basic embodiment of respecting teachers and valuing education in the whole society. We should pay close attention to the work of "reducing the burden of teachers" and work hard for a long time. We should return peace to schools and time to teachers.

One of the three comments on "high fake account" on People's Daily Online: Beware of "Li Gui" and "Li Kui"

Recently, the account nicknamed "Jitu Express" supported Mei Xi's netizens, which made the phenomenon of "high imitation account" attract public attention again.

The second of People's Daily Online's third comment on "High Imitating Account Number": why does chaos persist?

Counterfeiting official organization accounts misleads the public, the parties involved in fake news events fish in troubled waters, Gao Fang even pretends to be a celebrity to open accounts to confuse the public... Similar to counterfeit accounts, like "psoriasis" in cyberspace, it is impossible to prevent, and it seriously interferes with the healthy and orderly public opinion environment, which can be called a persistent malady. In fact, the governance of counterfeit accounts has never stopped.

The third comment on "high fake account" on People's Daily Online: governance cannot only rely on "hot eyes"

"High imitation account" is harmful but not beneficial. However, when Li Gui "speaks with certainty", how to distinguish and govern? Of course, the majority of netizens need to improve their resolution, and they should never listen blindly.

One of the three comments on "What is patriotism" on People's Daily Online: Rational treatment of the dispute between "patriotism" and "hindering the country"

Recently, we media blogger revealed that a Japanese pattern sticker containing the element of "Rising Sun Flag" was posted in a shopping mall in Nanjing, Jiangsu. Coincidentally, before that, someone had sent a video saying that the "Japanese military flag" pattern was found in the advertisement in the subway in Nanning, Guangxi. Relevant events have aroused great concern and heated discussion on the Internet.

The second of the third comment on "What is patriotism" on People's Daily Online: there is no need for a unified model, only a consensus of struggle

What is patriotism? Obviously, some people like to use Lego building blocks and some people like to use domestic mobile phones. This is just a matter of personal preference, not a proof of love or patriotism. We have a consensus on the cognition and definition of patriotism, but the specific ways for different people to realize patriotism are diverse. Without a unified model, it is impossible to be uniform.

The third comment on "What is patriotism" on People's Daily Online: handle "touch porcelain" patriotism according to law

In recent years, there has been a strange phenomenon of "porcelain touch" patriotism in the public opinion field. Some social networking accounts, under the banner of "patriotism", feast on patriotic traffic meals. However, when the sword is out of the way, they earn a lot of money, and some netizens are in pursuit of making a lot of ill gotten gains. Such acts do great harm.

One of the three comments on "Formalism at the Fingertip" on People's Daily Online: Mobile phones are almost "paralyzed"

With the continuous development of mobile Internet, life and work are increasingly inseparable from a "screen" and a "network", which is not only an inevitable move to conform to the trend of the times, but also a practical need to improve governance capabilities. However, in reality, some places mistakenly regard means as the purpose, digitizing for the purpose of digitization, only "having", regardless of "using", and not wanting to "excellent", which deviates from the original intention of developing digital government, and affects the effectiveness of digital reform.

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on "Formalism at the Fingertip" (2): Why Does the Ring Ring Become a "Hoop Curse"

Why is "Formalism at the Fingertip" repeatedly prohibited? The root lies in the distortion of the view of political achievements, the dislocation of the view of development, and the lack of sense of responsibility. The original intention of "cloud governance" was to simplify work processes and improve efficiency, so that grass-roots cadres can have more time and energy to do practical things for the people.

The third comment on "Formalism at the fingertips" on People's Daily Online: reducing the real burden for the grassroots and reducing the real burden

The majority of grassroots cadres have been suffering from "finger tip formalism" for a long time. Many localities and departments are more vigilant and concerned about the formalism of variation and renovation, and have always been on the way to reduce the burden of grass-roots units.

One of the three comments on "unowned rumors" on People's Daily Online: challenge cognition and demagogue

"No owner" means that there is no one to protect rights, no one to report, no verification, no rumor refutation, and it is easy to avoid audit and supervision. This kind of rumor is often absurd and bloody, and the plot is anti intellectual and anti rational, which aggravates the contradiction, intensifies the social tear, and does far more harm than ordinary online rumors. The "rumor of no owner" has disturbed the public opinion field on the Internet and made the network ecology a mess, which must be specially rectified and cleaned up. The short video with "rumors of no owner" as the props for harvesting traffic, standing on the opposite side of morality and conscience, standing on the opposite side of truth and truth, challenging people's cognition, will certainly bear the serious consequences of lifting a stone to hit their own feet.

The second of "unowned rumors" on People's Daily Online: Who is making them in batches?

Sick traffic impacts people's moral bottom line, so rumormongers can be blamed, and some short video communication platforms can also be blamed. Ignorance in orientation, disputes in interests, and lack of supervision also provide a hotbed for the production and dissemination of "unowned rumors". In the face of the "ownerless rumor" that is cunning and evades supervision, as the main responsible person of network content management, the platform has great responsibility. Once the gateway is lost, the result will inevitably be a blowout of bad content and deviation of value orientation. It is necessary for the network platform operator to keep sober: the temporary excitement is just a fake, and ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of the content is the real way of development and long-term plan. The thought of "flow first" must always give way to the responsibility of "truth first" and "content first". Whoever disregards the law of communication and violates the law of public opinion will be attacked by the flow and will be beaten black and blue by everyone.

The third comment on "unowned rumor" on people.com.cn: "traffic cheats" cannot escape

Punishment is an indispensable means of governance. In the face of the pleasure of profit and the pain of punishment, let the practitioners see the consequences clearly, and then force them to withdraw their hands. The platform is the "first responsible person" for governing "ownerless rumors". The cost of rumor mongering must be further increased, the identification of illegal accounts must be strengthened, and the relevant teams must be "uprooted" to prevent the rumor mongering from continuing after the video is deleted and the account is sealed. The constantly improved system is not only the "curse" of lawbreakers, but also the "safety helmet" of practitioners. Anyone who persists will be severely punished. Even if the "rumors of no owner" are full of tricks, they will eventually show up in the eyes of hundreds of millions of netizens; even if the "traffic fraudsters" use all their tricks, they will never escape the network of supervision jointly organized by the government, platforms, netizens, and so on.

One of the Three Comments on People's Daily Online on "Overloading and Stopping the Storm": Harmony Overcomes "Entanglement"

This is because of the parking space, and the reflection point can also start from a "bit" word. Everyone should find the right position and not misplace. If you occupy someone's parking space and affect their parking, you may as well move it away and apologize. If you say something unpleasant, it is because you are not in the right place, which not only harms the rights and interests of the parties, but also easily causes public criticism.

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on "Overloading and Stopping the Disturbance" (2): A Sense of Justice Must Have Boundaries

In the Internet era, everyone has a microphone and a vest. However, this does not mean that anonymity can become a "umbrella" and virtualization can be a "guilt free card". This is not only a conventional moral initiative, but also a rule of law norm.

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on "Overloading and Stopping the Storm" (3): The media should help not add chaos

We Media should cherish its voice right. Only by shouldering the corresponding social responsibilities, abiding by the corresponding moral standards, and adhering to the corresponding legal bottom line, "We Media" can obtain higher social recognition.

One of the three "Taowa members" commented by People's Daily Online: users with serial charges "pit"

You need to be a member if you have different channels, different content, and different permissions. It's really "one fill and another fill", and you should make the most of it. It can be seen from a careful study that the business trick of "Taowa members" is essentially a disguised price increase.

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on "Taowa Member" (II): Desperate to destroy the future

Membership, pay and pay, endless advertising, endless routines... Recently, the problem of "Taowa members" of smart TV has caused a lot of complaints. The root of the problem is that there are many embedded platforms for smart TV, the charging forms are complex, the protection content is taken into account, and the supervision is insufficient.

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on "Taowa Member" (3): Simplify and Go Far

In view of the abuse of scientific and technological means to force consumption and mislead consumption, the sharp sword of market supervision should be launched when it is time to do so, so as to safeguard consumers' rights and interests in a timely, legal and efficient manner and protect the fair competition order. At the same time, compared with the changes in technology and market in the Internet field, there are deficiencies and ambiguities in policies and supervision. We should accurately identify and fill in the gaps, correct the deviation of the profit model as soon as possible, let enterprises return to the "culture for the people", and promote the healthy development of the Internet TV industry.

One of the three comments on "Zhiwang's high fees" on People's Daily Online: frequent public anger, should be paid attention to

As the operating entity of the "China Knowledge Infrastructure Project", HowNet and its affiliated companies have received special support funds from relevant government departments. HowNet should fulfill more obligations given by its public attributes, and regard the realization of knowledge resource dissemination and sharing in the whole society as its main goal. When an enterprise's profit seeking impulse conflicts with the public interest, it is reasonable to insist on putting the public interest first, and HowNet is just biased on this point.

The second of People's Daily Online's third comment on "HowNet's high fees": income is in charge, so it should be adjusted

The wool comes from the sheep, and the bottom line is not to drag the sheep down. Once the market rule of fair trade is destroyed, those who harm fairness will certainly have no good future. Just thinking about how much each paper will cost and how much each college will charge is for quick success and instant benefit. HowNet should take more responsibility and make more contributions in serving readers, and should have more feelings and higher pursuit in helping innovation, so that it can be stable and far sighted.

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on "HowNet's High Fees": Do not forget the original intention, and should follow

Knowledge platforms such as HowNet have made important contributions to the digitalization of Chinese academia, but whether they can continuously improve the popularity of academic achievements and make greater contributions to talent training, decision-making reference and other aspects still needs the platform to continue its efforts and write the "second half of the article". In this sense, not forgetting the original intention, we must adapt to the development of the times, face the needs of the society, put our eyes on the stars and sea of human knowledge, and achieve ourselves in adapting to the general trend and serving the overall situation.

One of the three comments on "Revitalizing the Chinese Men's Football Team" on People's Daily Online: the league is fundamental, and there is no trouble!

On March 30, Beijing time, the Chinese men's football team ended all the top 12 Asian qualifiers of the 2022 Qatar World Cup qualifiers with a result of 1 win, 3 draw and 6 losses, and fell out of the World Cup finals again. Competitive football must rely on strength. Losing is not terrible. The key is to face the gap and find the root cause.

The second of "Revitalizing China's Men's Football Team" in the third comment on People's Daily Online: Youth training is the foundation, and we will not waver!

It is impossible to change the face of the Chinese men's football team overnight. To be long-term, youth training is the most urgent problem to be solved. Whether a country's football is well played depends not on how many champions it has won, but on how many people have participated in it.

The third comment on "Revitalizing Chinese Men's Football Team" on People's Daily Online: reform should be deepened and never stop!

The Chinese men's football team has reached the key point of reform again. It is obvious that the reform of the men's football team will have pains, but if it is not reformed, it will fall into the pain of four years. However, for the Chinese men's football team, which has entered the low ebb again, the only way to revitalize it is to adhere to reform.

One of the three comments on "blind box marketing" on People's Daily Online: how can we ignore the waste of food

The chaos of blind boxes points to a problem: this kind of marketing creates scarcity, malicious diversion, covers rationality, and leads to blind consumption. In addition to satisfying the profit purpose of merchants, it can only bring chaos in the marketing environment and consumption order. The more popular the products and phenomena with blind box attribute are, the more we should remind consumers to keep their eyes open and rational, and the more we should appeal to the regulatory authorities to strengthen guidance and governance. The "boastful wind", "wasteful wind" and "blind wind" brought by "blind box wind" must be stopped!

People's Daily Online's third comment on "blind box marketing": how can we break the bottom line

The biggest charm of "blind box" is uncertainty, and the biggest problem is also uncertainty. This uncertainty cannot become a trap for businesses to speculate and trigger irrational consumption. Commodities can be blinded, and the bottom line cannot be broken. The correct way to open the blind box is to make the cross-border marketing of "blind box+" full of vitality and benefit the overall and healthy development of people.

The third comment on "blind box marketing" on People's Daily Online: How can we ignore the fact that we have gone astray

As a creative business model, the most important thing for blind box marketing to achieve sustainable growth is to adhere to the integrity of business. In addition to economic interests, social care is indispensable. Striving to achieve win-win economic and social benefits is the key to the healthy development of the blind box economy. To standardize the blind box business, it is urgent to promote the rational development of the blind box economy nationwide, issue relevant industry development guidance and relevant legal norms, and through standardized and sustainable rule setting, not only combat the chaos in blind box business activities, but also ensure the long-term development of the blind box industry.

One of the three comments on "Grass Planting Notes" on People's Daily Online: How can truth follow one's inclinations

Under the banner of "high-quality notes" and "high-quality life", what we do is actually business marketing and brand promotion, which will damage the goodwill of the platform and overdraft the trust of consumers. "The 'Grass Planting Notes' you like to read may be one article for 3 yuan" "I only have 60 fans, and someone sent me a private letter asking whether to accept the promotion"... These routine, formatted and templated operations have made the "Pit Avoiding Classic" once popular with everyone, in fact, become a "trick guide" for the willing.

The second comment on "Grass planting notes" on people.net 3: Don't "set up a set" in the name of sharing

"Grass planting economy" has permeated every scene of life. It is often difficult for consumers to distinguish which of them is real sharing and which is commercial marketing. It can be said that the original intention of the platform may be simple sharing, but in the process of rapid growth in the number of users, due to the involvement of capital and business, both the platform and users may deviate from the original intention. Let the sharing belong to the sharing, and the business belongs to the business. Never mislead consumers by marketing in the name of sharing.

The Third Comment on "Grass Planting Notes" on People's Daily Online: It is necessary to put an end to bringing goods into "disaster"

Today, the Internet is not only a new stage of real life and a new space for economic development, but also reshapes the new pattern of social governance. Whether it is live broadcast e-commerce or "planting grass with goods", guidance and supervision are never intended to restrict its development, but to make the platform more healthy and orderly, and the industry can continue to improve. Only when all parties work together, can we create a clean and healthy network ecology, and can we make the Internet more beneficial to the people.

One of the three comments on the "milk pouring event" on People's Daily Online: Do you deserve to be a fan without spending money?

Objectively speaking, out of love, fans are willing to spend their time, money and energy to create momentum and resources for their idols, which is a personal choice. But in the logic of some extreme fans, "money=love", how much you love idols, you must spend how much money to reflect. All of Yu's likes and support have become endless brands, endless lists, and endless data. As a result, "leeks" have been cut one after another, which has also helped more people to pursue their dreams and become famous overnight.

The second of the third comment on "milk pouring incident" on People's Daily Online: How many interests are driven secretly?

On the surface, the so-called "rice circle fundraising" only involves support clubs and flow stars. However, a careful combing will reveal that every link of the chain "in the name of love" conceals money transactions. No wonder some fans called out, "I'm too tired!"

The third comment on "milk pouring incident" on People's Daily Online: it is urgent to rectify the chaos!

In the big market of "star economy", capital should not excessively chase the flow, concoct the "daydream" of overnight fame, and even more should not push forward while knowing that the values are wrong.

One of the three comments on "heroic protection" on People's Daily Online: great and lofty, which cannot be dispelled

The immortality of heroes belongs to one country and one nation. Heroic deeds highlight greatness, and heroic spirit interprets loftiness. They pour the spiritual gene of the nation and build the cornerstone of social belief. If heroic deeds are allowed to be discredited and heroic spirit is allowed to be distorted, national genes will change and belief buildings will collapse.

The second of the third comment on "heroic protection" on People's Daily Online: governance by law, not in vain

On April 1, on the 20th anniversary of the martyr Wang Wei, the "sea and air guard", who died heroically, a 63 year old man was detained criminally according to law for insulting the martyr Wang Wei and the martyr's widow in WeChat group chat. Relevant departments hit hard at the words and deeds of heroes who violated their honor, demonstrating the social consensus and value orientation of advocating heroes and respecting heroes.

The third comment on "heroic protection" on people.com.cn: international consensus, stick to the bottom line

Since 1993, the Russian government has successively promulgated several legal documents such as the Law on the Remembrance of Martyrs Who Defend the Country, listing the status and preferential treatment that heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation should enjoy. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation also makes it clear that those who insult and damage the graves of participants in the anti fascist war will be subject to criminal punishment.

One of the "One size fits all" phenomena commented by people.com.cn: people hate it

Those "one size fits all" that ignore the "three seven twenty-one" policy cut off the understanding and support of the masses, the seriousness and authority of the policy, and the credibility and recognition of the government. The result is bound to damage the interests of the people and affect their real sense of gain, happiness and security. In the long run, it will be like an invisible wall separating our Party from the people, making our Party lose its foundation, blood and strength.

The second of "One size fits all" phenomenon commented by People's Daily Online 3: chronic diseases need to be cured

Walk through the streets, "tie"! Occasional cases, "sealed"! Spring Festival return home, "stop"! It is not difficult to find that in practice, some places still believe in the "one word formula", read the "Lazy Word Classic", and practice the "one size fits all", which is widely criticized by the masses. (The picture is from the network.

The third comment on "One size fits all" phenomenon on people.com.cn: governance takes a long time

The disadvantages of formalistic bureaucracy are not cold in a day. It is not a day's work to manage "one size fits all" from the root.

One of the three comments on "social death" on People's Daily Online: Who is next?

When avalanches occur, no snowflake is innocent. There is no problem for onlookers on the Internet, and there is nothing wrong with expressing opinions. Having a simple sense of justice should not be criticized, but it is extremely undesirable to go beyond the moral and legal boundaries and make use of the convenience of public opinion dissemination to add fuel to the flames. If there is no regulation, it will harm every one of us.

The second comment on "social death" on People's Daily Online: Who is the mender?

"When you suddenly die, everyone starts to love you." This sentence often appears on the Internet recently. It seems extremely simple, but it is very destructive, revealing cold and vicious. It seems that spreading and supporting the "weak" is to safeguard justice, but when the truth is unclear and the facts are not clear, all the words and deeds that wronged innocent people in the name of justice are like pushing people on the edge of a cliff.

The third comment on "social death" on People's Daily Online: Our responsibility!

In cyberspace, what we need is a sunny "digital existence", and no one wants to witness more icy "social death". As a member of cyberspace, we should start from ourselves, rationally surf the Internet and have a rational dialogue, so as to gather strength for the construction of clear cyberspace.

One of the three comments on "TikTok transaction" on People's Daily Online: in sheep's clothing, a wolf is still a wolf!

Wearing the sheepskin again, the wolf is still a wolf. Oracle's participation is just a "gentle trap" designed by the US government after extreme pressure. The so-called agreement was manipulated by American politicians behind the scenes. American enterprises acted as "white gloves" and cooperated with each other to hunt TikTok. It was a grab under the banner of "commercial cooperation".

The second comment of "TikTok transaction" on people.com.cn: fish in troubled waters, don't even think about it!

The review of source code is the focus of the "TikTok Transaction" agreement. The source code is the core trade secret of Internet enterprises such as TikTok, and is the core asset of enterprises.

The third comment on "TikTok transaction" on People's Daily Online: "Seeking profits from tigers is a must"

In the face of banditry, whether to retreat step by step, seek compromise, or to fight resolutely step by step is a matter of principle based on the current situation, as well as a long-term strategic issue. "TikTok transaction" is faced with such a choice.

One of the three comments on "rice circle" on people.com.cn: frequently arousing public anger, and rectification is urgent

In recent years, with the continuous development of the entertainment industry and the help of social media, negative news about bottomless star chasing, "food circle" tearing, and money worship and wealth display have constantly entered the public horizon, refreshing the public's perception of the bottom line.

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on "Rice Circle" (II): Respect individuality, not to be denied simply

On July 14, the microblog administrator issued a community announcement, which clearly defined the behaviors of promoting hatred and provoking groups to attack each other, included them in the community rules, and severely punished the illegal accounts. This announcement received more than 200000 praise, and many netizens expressed their support, many of whom were "rice circle girls".

The third comment on "rice circle" on People's Daily Online: the culprits behind the scenes must be resolutely cut off

It is an indisputable fact that the "food circle" group is dominated by the "post-95s" and "post-00s". They are relatively weak in discrimination, have not yet formed independent and mature thinking ability, and are easy to be induced.

One of the three comments on "fast game" on People's Daily Online: If you can't keep your mouth shut, you will die

Some people know that "game" is not nutritious and healthy, but they can not resist curiosity, greed and killing. Some people are even shameless and encourage their relatives and friends to "bite". On some occasions, they give "game" as a "gift" and label it as "advanced social". This is not Xiu identity, it is clearly a virus; this is not Xiu senior, it is clearly a crime.

People's Daily Online Comment No. 2 on "Fasting Game": This problem must be "cut across the board"

Keep away from game, keep away from bad habits. Keeping your mouth shut is necessary, but not easy.

People's Daily Online 3 Comments on "Fasting Game" 3: Never forget the pain after the scar is healed

The illegal trade of wild animals has been repeatedly prohibited, and the "game industry" is still large. For the sake of people's life safety and health, we will ban wild animals and crack down on illegal wildlife trade! From the perspective of legislation, the laws used to regulate wildlife trade in China are not "a blank".

One of the three comments on "national quality" on People's Daily Online: Do Chinese people just have no quality?

No matter how small the uncivilized behavior is, it also exposes the "arrears" of citizens' quality of some members of our society; no matter how small the uncivilized phenomenon is, the frequent occurrence of cases will also affect the national image. What about the quality of Chinese people? Such questioning reflects people's anxiety and meditation on uncivilized behavior.

The second of "National Quality" in the third review of People's Daily Online: Is the inheritance of civilization broken?

Ancient precepts are still being recited and proverbs are still being obeyed. The traditional virtues of the Chinese nation are still the source of nourishing modern civilization, catalyzing public civilization to become the inner cultivation of Chinese people, the awareness without reminding and the kindness of thinking for others. The increasingly frequent and heated discussions on the quality of the people in the public opinion field just show that the tolerance of Chinese people for behaviors that are against civilized etiquette is gradually decreasing, and civilization and rationality will be the constant background of the times.

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on "National Quality": Can Quality Be Managed?

As long as we adhere to "zero tolerance" for illegal acts and avoid the "crowding out effect" of uncivilization on civilization, we can constantly consolidate the bottom line thinking and civilized habits of the society, establish stable expectations of the rule of law, make the rule of law a social belief, but also a need for life, and boost the "acceleration" of civilization.

One of the three comments on "prescription drugs sold online" on People's Daily Online: "e-commerce" is too wayward

For medical e-commerce, both independent operators and third-party platform operators must fulfill the obligation of audit and check, and cannot be absent from every link such as doctor qualification review, pharmacy qualification review, online prescription, prescription circulation, online shopping and after-sales. Otherwise, it will be difficult to become a helper for health care, but an accomplice for tragedy.

The second comment on "prescription drugs sold online" on people.com.cn: demand creates the market, and profit seeking cannot be unscrupulous

[Editor's note] People's Daily Online recently conducted an investigation on the sales of prescription drugs in 20 drug purchasing APPs. The report "People's Direct Attack: Pet Photos as Prescriptions Can Buy Prescription Drugs Online" showed that many APPs sold prescription drugs in violation of regulations or even in violation of laws, causing hot debate among netizens. Online prescription drugs are in chaos, and there is a strong demand for them.

The third comment on "prescription drugs sold online" on People's Daily Online: simultaneous supervision and encouragement to meet good expectations

[Editor's note] People's Daily Online recently conducted an investigation on the sales of prescription drugs in 20 drug purchasing APPs. The report "People's Direct Attack: Pet Photos as Prescriptions Can Buy Prescription Drugs Online" showed that many APPs sold prescription drugs in violation of regulations or even in violation of laws, causing hot debate among netizens. Online prescription drugs are in chaos, and there is a strong demand for them.

One of the three comments on "Baidu is dead?" on People's Daily Online: open sharing, how can words and deeds differ

In any case, a search engine that has reached the monopoly level is no longer the "private garden" of any enterprise, but first of all the public platform of the Internet. If the purpose is to realize traffic and the rule is to be close and distant, then the search engine will only become a private tool for profit and fertile land for marketing.

People's Daily Online's third comment on "Baidu is dead?" (2): How can the cornerstone of connectivity be shaken

[Editor's Note] Recently, netizens have been talking about problems with Baidu's content search results. In order to rationally discuss the healthy development of the Internet ecology, appeal to the industry to not forget the original intention of opening and sharing, provide more high-quality services, and meet the expectations of netizens, People's Daily launched the "Three Comments" Baidu is Dead? "Today.

The third comment on "Baidu is dead?" on people.com.cn: it is about the future and meets the expectations of the times

[Editor's Note] Recently, netizens have been talking about problems with Baidu's content search results. In order to rationally discuss the healthy development of Internet ecology, appeal to the industry to keep its original intention of openness and sharing, provide more high-quality services, and meet the expectations of netizens, People's Daily launched the "Three Comments on Baidu's Death?".

One of the three pompous comments on People's Daily Online: won't the article be written?

The quality of an article depends on whether it can reflect reality and whether it has social perspective. If the style of writing is pompous, the title is surprised, and the facts are plausible, it will not only offend the readers, but also lose the value of communication and pollute the ecology of public opinion.

The second style of boastful writing on people.com.cn: Are Chinese people not confident?

[Editor's Note] There is nothing trivial about style of writing. Recently, such pompous and arrogant writing styles as "kneeling for body", "crying for body" and "scaring urine body" appear frequently, which dispels the credibility of the media, pollutes the public opinion ecology, distorts the national mentality, and is not conducive to the formation of weathered people, the cohesion of people's hearts, and the construction of a clear cyberspace.

People's Daily Online's Third Comment on Proud Style 3: Is Style a Small Matter?

[Editor's Note] There is nothing trivial about style of writing. Recently, such pompous and arrogant writing styles as "kneeling for body", "crying for body" and "scaring urine body" appear frequently, which dispels the credibility of the media, pollutes the public opinion ecology, distorts the national mentality, and is not conducive to the formation of weathered people, the cohesion of people's hearts, and the construction of a clear cyberspace.

One of the "Live Answers" on People's Daily Online: Don't Let Junk Information Smear "Knowledge"

Is it really spreading knowledge when answering questions live? When netizens try their best to answer questions or ask for help from relatives and friends, are they really learning knowledge? On the surface, the live broadcast answer at the top of the station is "realization", but it is actually a change of flavor.

The second of "Live Answers" on people.com.cn: Don't cross the "bottom line" under the guise of innovation

"There are 1.22 million people online, but more than 1.4 million people participated in the answer. Why?". Whether the live broadcast platform has fraud in the number of people, bonus injection and other behaviors still needs to be confirmed by professional technology, but it cannot be asserted. However, users must pay attention to the query of the live broadcast answer: in the name of innovation, it cannot cross the "bottom line".

The third comment on "live broadcast answer" on people.com.cn: Don't let the smell of money mislead "games"

Recently, Sogou launched Sogou Answering Assistant, which allows users to participate in live answering while searching for answers after downloading. Some netizens commented, "The truth is that the devil is stronger than the law, and there are also such magic tools for cheating!" In fact, there are many similar cheating applications, and some even advertised that "reading questions and searching answers only take 3 seconds! Easily answer 12 questions, and you will get paid on the spot!" The original purpose of live answering questions for puzzle and leisure has become a routine money game in some scenes, The reason is intriguing.

People's Daily Online First Comment Algorithm Recommendation: The algorithm cannot determine the content

Behind the technical dividend, there are also places where the sun cannot shine. Spreading pornographic and vulgar content is only one of the problems faced by intelligent news platforms in content distribution. Another example is the unscientific health knowledge, exaggerated advertisements, headline parties that are only eye-catching, overly emotional views and even useless information, which often appear in the recommendations on the home page of intelligent platforms.

People's Daily Online Second Review Algorithm Recommendation: Don't be trapped in the "information cocoon room" by algorithms

Maybe many people have the following experience: click on a tea message on the front page client today, and then they will constantly receive various health knowledge and advertising push about tea... With the rise of big data, more advanced algorithms, and more sophisticated technology, we are ushering in an era of customized information and intelligent communication. There is no doubt that the private customization of information can meet people's diversified and personalized needs.

Three Comments on Algorithms on People's Daily Online: Watch out for the Opposite of Algorithms Going to Innovation

Many netizens have the following experience: Today's headlines may be the most comprehensive and extensive news client, but it is also the most miscellaneous and messy mobile app. You can read news, watch videos, live broadcasts, participate in Q&A, and have many We Media accounts. At the same time, Toutiao can also capture the content that users are interested in from other information platforms through technology and directly "use it for my own use", so as to achieve the effect of "one against ten".

People's Daily Online Comments on Glory of the King: Entertainment or "Framering" Life

A game becomes popular and phenomenal, which shows its charm; also known as "poison" and "pesticide", which shows its consequences. Recently, when "Glory of the King" has been in waves of fans and doubts, how to solve the "poison of the game" is thought-provoking.

People's Daily Online's second review of Glory of the King: It is urgent to strengthen the supervision of "social games"

As the focus of public opinion, Glory of the King did not become calm because of the introduction of the "three axes" of the anti addiction system. Discussions on games and children, games and health, games and addiction, games and markets, games and education, games and regulation have been ongoing.

People's Daily Online's third review of Glory of the King: Live a good "mobile life" and advocate healthy entertainment

There must be something special about an event that can arouse the continuous attention of public opinion. Whether it is a game or other hot spots, people's discussion and thinking, as well as criticism and suggestions to a certain extent, are all good deeds, which should also become the starting point to promote social progress.
