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MIT Open Class: K12 Course - Materials
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Lecturer: multiple

College introduction: Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a comprehensive private university in the United States, and has the reputation of "the world's largest polytechnic university". MIT is a world-class university that attaches great importance to science, technology and management. Its scientific research in the fields of space science, atomic science, aerospace technology, bioengineering and other fields takes the lead in the United States, and it is famous worldwide for its close relationship with the business community and the government.

Course introduction: K12 is the abbreviation of Kindergarten through twelve grade. It refers to kindergarten (usually 5-6 years old) to grade 12 (usually 17-18 years old). These two grades are two years of free education in the United States, Australia and English Canada. In addition, they can also be used as a general term for the basic education stage. This series of videos introduces the common phenomena and substances of greenhouse effect, colloid and battery, and leads you to appreciate the colorful world of materials.

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Course list
[Episode 1] Carbon dioxide and greenhouse effect translate
[Episode 2] Colloid translate
[Episode 4] Manufacturing: from manual to mechanical translate
[Episode 5] Composition of Matter - Atoms and Molecules translate
【 Episode 6 】 Decolorization of crystal violet translate
[Episode 7] Fire+Sand=Glass! translate
[Episode 8] Invention of battery translate
【 Episode 9 】 Gel electrophoresis translate
【 Episode 10 】 Bioplastics translate
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