
    Jedi Policemen 4 Confirms the Return of Original Chinese People

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yue Yang

    Today, the highly anticipated action comedy film Jedi Police 4: Sharing Life and Death officially announced its introduction into mainland China. The release schedule has not yet been determined. North America will be the first to release on June 7.

     Jedi Policemen 4 Confirms the Return of Original Chinese People

    Jedi Policeman 4: Life and Death Together is jointly directed by Adil El Abi and Bilal Farah. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence join hands with the original crew to return again, bringing a new adventure story to the audience.

    The film tells a shocking plot: the former police chief was exposed to have colluded with drug trafficking syndicates for many years, and two star detectives, Mike Laurie (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence), became wanted nationwide overnight. Faced with the sudden change, the old couple had to return to the Jianghu to find out the truth. In the film, action scenes such as high-speed car racing and explosive gun fights emerge in endlessly, making adrenaline soar.

    According to media reports, the total global box office of the series of "Jedi Warmen" has exceeded 840 million dollars. Among them, "Jedi Police: Rapid Pursuit", which was released in 2017, grossed up to $428 million worldwide and won the North American box office champion for five consecutive weeks, becoming the top box office work of the series.

    This time, "Jedi Policeman 4: Life and Death Together" is the latest series of masterpieces brought by Adil El Abi and Bilal Farah four years after 2017. Fans are full of expectations for this sequel, and believe that it will continue the glory of the previous work and bring more exciting viewing experience to the audience.

    At present, the release schedule of "Jedi Policeman 4: Life and Death Together" in mainland China has not yet been determined, but with the announcement of the introduction of the film, it is believed that in the near future, the audience in mainland China will also have the opportunity to enjoy this action comedy blockbuster on the big screen. Let's wait and see, and look forward to the arrival of this sequel.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Jedi Policemen 4 Confirms the Return of Original Chinese People true report one thousand one hundred and twenty Today, the highly anticipated action comedy film Jedi Police 4: Sharing Life and Death officially announced its introduction into mainland China. The release schedule has not yet been determined. North America will be the first to release on June 7. Jedi Policeman 4: Life and Death Together is jointly directed by Adil El Abi and Bilal Farah. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence join hands with the original crew to return again, bringing a new look to the audience
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