
    Baoji · Dianyipai X5500 book scanner special

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online]

    [Zhongguancun Online Beijing News] Baoji · Dianyipai X5500 High beat meter Recently, we launched a special promotion in the business "Beijing Longsi Xiangda Technology Development Co., Ltd.". The price is negotiable. Good things and good prices are worth starting with! Interested friends can go directly to Room 215, No. 33, Suzhou Street, Haidian District, Beijing for details Baoji · Dianyipai X5500 You can also consult the promotion information of the high beat meter (Tel: 13651125417 010-51667566 QQ :3001456960 )The merchant.

    Product model Market price (yuan) Commodity quotation (yuan) Up and down (yuan)
    Baoji · Dianyipai X5500
    six thousand one hundred and ninety-nine Price negotiation -
    Price collection date: April 25, 2024 (if the price fluctuates, the merchant's quotation shall prevail) View Products

     Baoji · Dianyipai X5500
    The picture is: Baoji · Dianyipai X5500 HD live picture

    Interpretation of main parameters of Baoji · Dianyipai X5500:
    Product use Industry scanning product type Book scanner
    Max width A3 Scanning range No data temporarily
    Scanning element CMOS pixel 25 million
    Product size No data temporarily Product weight No data temporarily

     Baoji · Dianyipai X5500
    The picture is: Baoji · Dianyipai X5500 HD live picture

    It's worth buying today
    When consulting, Zhongguancun Online will get better price and better service!
    Product name: Baoji · Dianyipai X5500
    Reference price: Price negotiation Online purchase
    Merchant name: Beijing Longsixiangda Technology Development Co., Ltd
    contact information: 13651125417 010-51667566
    QQ No.: Contact me
    Contact address: Room 215, No. 33, Suzhou Street, Haidian District, Beijing
    Baoji · Dianyipai Brand Introduction
    Baoji Hengtai (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., founded in 1998 and affiliated to Baoqi International Group, is an innovative high-tech enterprise dedicated to the R&D, design, manufacturing and marketing services of intelligent devices. Relying on the advantages of high-tech park technology resources, the company is committed to providing customers with the best production

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Baoji · Dianyipai X5500 book scanner special true report one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight [Zhongguancun Online Beijing News] Baoji · Dianyipai X5500 High Beat Meter has recently launched a special promotion at the store "Beijing Longsixiangda Technology Development Co., Ltd.". The price is negotiable. Good things and good prices are worth starting with! Interested friends can directly go to Room 215, No. 33, Suzhou Street, Haidian District, Beijing for more information. You can also inquire about the promotion information of Baoji · Dianyipai X5500 High Beater (Tel: 136511254
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