
    Vivo X100S will launch Tianji 9300 for the first time in the world+

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yue Yang

    It is reported that vivo plans to launch two flagship products in May mobile phone , respectively vivo X100 Ultra and vivo X100S In particular, the vivo X100S will be the world's first mobile platform equipped with the latest Tianji 9300+launched by MediaTek. This chip is known as the "king of Tianji".

     Vivo X100S will launch Tianji 9300 for the first time in the world+

    Tianji 9300+is an upgraded version of Tianji 9300. The main improvement is to increase the CPU frequency. Specifically, its CPU frequency has increased from 3.25GHz to 3.4GHz, which makes it surpass the 3.3GHz of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen3 and become the highest frequency 5G chip in the Android camp. In terms of CPU architecture, Tianji 9300+maintains the design of four super cores plus four large cores, of which the super core uses the Cortex-X4 with strong performance, and does not use the Arm Cortex-A5XX series small core with relatively weak performance. Let's look forward to it together.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Vivo X100S will launch Tianji 9300 for the first time in the world+ true report five hundred and twenty-eight It is reported that vivo plans to launch two flagship phones in May, namely vivo X100 Ultra and vivo X100S. In particular, the vivo X100S will be the world's first mobile platform equipped with the latest Tianji 9300+launched by MediaTek. This chip is known as the "king of Tianji". Tianji 9300+is an upgraded version of Tianji 9300. The main improvement is to increase the CPU frequency. Specifically, its
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