
    Tianji 9400 will continue to adopt full core architecture or surpass Snapdragon 8 Gen4

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yue Yang

    It is reported that the Tianji 9400 processor will continue to use the full core architecture, and its design performance is expected to surpass Qualcomm's next-generation chip Snapdragon 8 Gen4 in all aspects. According to the disclosure, although Tianji 9400 will no longer use four Cortex-X5 super cores, it is still a full core architecture and will also use the TSMC 3 nanometer process.

     Tianji 9400 will continue to adopt full core architecture or surpass Snapdragon 8 Gen4

    In terms of performance, Tianji 9400 will use four Cortex-X4 super cores and four Cortex – A720 super cores. The super core has a maximum frequency of 3.25GHz, and the big core has a main frequency of 2.0GHz. The peak performance of the CPU will be improved by 40%, and the same energy power consumption can be saved by 33%.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Tianji 9400 will continue to adopt full core architecture or surpass Snapdragon 8 Gen4 true report three hundred and fifty-nine It is reported that the Tianji 9400 processor will continue to use the full core architecture, and its design performance is expected to surpass Qualcomm's next-generation chip Snapdragon 8 Gen4 in all aspects. According to the disclosure, although Tianji 9400 will no longer use four Cortex-X5 super cores, it is still a full core architecture and will also use the TSMC 3 nanometer process. In terms of performance, Tianji 9400 will use four Cortex-X4 super cores
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