
    Dachang observation: 996 serious violation of the law

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lao Wang

    On August 26, the Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly released ten typical cases of overtime, clarifying the applicable standards of laws on such controversial issues as the working hour system, overtime expenses and workers' rights to rest and vacation. In one of the typical cases, the two departments mentioned that 996 was the content of "working hours from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., working six days a week", which seriously violated the provisions of the law on extending the upper limit of working hours and should be deemed invalid.

    Why did 996 become a serious violation of the law overnight?

    Rest is a constitutional right

    We all know that constitution is the cornerstone of national law in the basic legal system course of junior high school. But perhaps many people do not know that the precious right of workers to rest is actually granted by the Constitution, which is clearly stated in Article 43 of the Constitution of China:

    Workers in the People's Republic of China have the right to rest. The State develops facilities for workers to rest and recuperate, and stipulates the working hours and vacation system of workers.

    The Labor Law defines the duration of work and rest:

     Dachang observation: 996 serious violation of the law

    Article 36 stipulates: "The State implements a working hour system in which workers work no more than eight hours a day and no more than 44 hours a week on average." Article 40 stipulates: "The employing unit shall arrange workers to take holidays according to law during the following festivals: (1) New Year's Day; (2) Spring Festival; (3) International Labour Day; (4) National Day; (5) Other holidays stipulated by laws and regulations.

     Dachang observation: 996 serious violation of the law

    But why would 996 be blessed? Let's see what Ma Yun said. In fact, he said too much about the logic, which is meaningless. The key is still four words: more money is given, P8's annual salary is million, which is a salary that ordinary general managers cannot get. In fact, the essence of 996 is not all 312:3 people's work. In fact, from the perspective of the enterprise, this is cost-effective, because if three people do this, the cost of the enterprise will become higher and the staff will become more overstaffed.

    Why did you break the law suddenly?

    996 has always been in violation of the law, which is the major premise. But in the past, the law enforcement was flexible, and 996 may enable enterprises to develop more quickly. In the period of pursuing rapid economic development, it has also turned a blind eye to many others. But if we focus on 996 or even 007, there will be a serious problem. That is, these young people who can make 996 focus on their work. When they get home, they only have one thing to do: sleep, and do not have much energy to do other things. This trend may not matter from an individual perspective, but it may not be the case at the national level. Why? Because of the population structure.

     Dachang observation: 996 serious violation of the law
    Population is the most important issue

    China's population structure is unbalanced, and the number of newborn babies is gradually decreasing. In 2035, China will enter an aging society ahead of schedule. Then it is necessary to release the vitality of young people. 996 is definitely not good. At this time, law enforcement needs to be strict. The supporting laws and regulations also include the revision of the family planning law, and no social maintenance fees will be levied even for the third child.

    It can be said that population is the root of the country, and any enterprise behavior contrary to the new population is the target of beating, not to mention that Touniao 996 itself is illegal.

    Do you still have high paying jobs?

    Excellent young people choose 996. In fact, in addition to work experience, the high salary accompanying 996 is very important. Because some 996 or big week and small week, overtime and Saturday are multiple times of overtime wages, which is an important part of income on the basis of the already high level. But after the strict crackdown on 996, this part must be gone, and even the cancellation of 996 and big week and small week lead to.

     Dachang observation: 996 serious violation of the law
    Top 500 and other foreign enterprises will become the first choice for outstanding graduates again

    In fact, this means that the revenue of large factories will be reduced on the whole. But it will still be much higher than many ordinary private enterprises in the society, and it will still be an important choice for outstanding graduates, but the scope of choice may be wider. Foreign enterprises with high requirements for corporate behavior compliance will more enter the vision of outstanding graduates, even as the first choice. Their real foreign enterprises have just entered China in the first 20 years, because of high salaries and benefits, It has always been the first choice for outstanding graduates; Of course, the more stable civil servants and career staff have been enjoying high popularity in recent years, and there is no trend of declining popularity.

    996 can be seen as a struggle of Internet workers. After ten years of struggle, they exchanged their lives for money and settled down in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. But now that it is over, the struggle of migrant workers will continue. Not 996 can have more time to find fun and meaning beyond the struggle.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Dachang observation: 996 serious violation of the law true report two thousand seven hundred and sixty On August 26, the Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly released ten typical cases of overtime, clarifying the applicable standards of laws on such controversial issues as the working hour system, overtime expenses and workers' rights to rest and vacation. In one of the typical cases, the two departments mentioned that 996 is the content of "working from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., working six days a week", which seriously violates the law on postponement
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