
    Liangtian YL1050AF distance learning easy teaching

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    Affected by the epidemic, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China requested all schools to postpone the start of school, and advocated that schools and educational institutions use the distance learning method to give lessons "without stopping classes". "School and teaching are suspended". At the current epidemic situation, the higher authorities have requirements, parents have demands, and students have demands.

    New Liangtian has accumulated many years of experience in the education industry. In addition to focusing on education itself and the trend of the national education informatization policy, it also pays close attention to the development trend of various Internet technologies, information technologies, mobile communication technologies, intelligent terminals and other fields, and integrates various advanced technologies into the design of education products, It has become the key to the success of the rapid development of Liangtian High Beater in the education industry. New Liangtian has launched teaching products and teaching solutions such as remote teaching products, micro class products, wireless WIFI beat meter, multi-dimensional beat meter, wall mounted/integrated beat meter and optical zoom beat meter, and has provided customers in schools, training institutions, online education and other fields with integrated software and hardware solutions from the teaching end to the listening end, which are simple and easy to use, So that every student can Efficient Convenient use makes learning more comfortable.

    Easier teaching

    The software and hardware integration solution is simple and easy to use, and the teaching staff can easily get started.

    Teachers can teach at home by using the Liangtian High Beat Instrument Software , can easily record on the screen, Video editing , handwritten notes, PPT demonstration, whiteboard demonstration, desktop demonstration, comparative teaching, experimental process recording and other functions. While improving the teaching efficiency of teachers, we should make students learn more easily.

    The teacher gives lectures live online in a remote way, and at the same time of audio and video interaction, the computer is connected to the online classroom live broadcast/recording auxiliary teaching equipment - Liangtian folding portable metronome YL1050AF, which can Efficient Applied to multimedia teaching mode, it can maximum degree Restore the offline classroom teaching scene to help schools and teachers solve the urgent need of "suspending classes without stopping learning". YL1050AF can shoot flexibly from multiple angles, can be folded, small and portable, A3 format, 10 million pixels, support HDMI offline physical display, and high-definition without dragging.

    It is more convenient for students to listen at home

    YL1050AF supports key operated zoom in, zoom out, focus, and photo taking functions; Support TF card insertion and photo storage function; Built in digital microphone, it supports functions such as one button recording and video recording. It not only provides smooth voice, 1080P high-definition image quality, real-time intelligent translation of multi language, but also provides data processing functions such as document sharing, screen sharing, electronic whiteboard and remote collaboration. Through the network, teachers and students in various places can have face-to-face video and audio communication, It not only effectively captures students' classroom attention, but also enables teachers to timely obtain students' online classroom situation, ensuring the quality and efficiency of online classroom teaching.

    Liangtian YL1050AF distance learning program can quickly provide education units with in-depth learning solutions such as online teaching, distance teaching, synchronous classroom, distance teaching and research, home school interaction, artificial intelligence, etc. through independent high-definition video communication technology.

    The epidemic has blocked our steps, and has also given enterprises more responsibilities and missions. New Liangtian gives full play to its advantages, actively responds to the call of "suspending classes without stopping school", and contributes to the better realization of this goal! I believe that under the protection of front-line staff day and night, and under the concerted efforts of the people of the whole country, we will win this battle as soon as possible! true // report two thousand and sixty-eight Affected by the epidemic, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China requested all schools to postpone the start of school, and advocated that schools and educational institutions use the distance learning method to give lessons "without stopping classes". "School and teaching are suspended". At the current epidemic situation, the higher authorities have requirements, parents have demands, and students have demands. New Liangtian has accumulated many years of experience in the education industry, in addition to focusing on education itself and the national education letter
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