
    Liangtian High Beater Appears at the 21st High tech Fair

    [Zhongguancun Online]

    From November 13 to 17, 2019, the 21st High tech Fair was held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center. As China's scale maximum , Specifications highest Most Influential national level International science and technology events and the High tech Fair have become an important window for China's opening up in the high-tech field and an important platform for achievements transformation.

    As a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the design, R&D, manufacturing and sales of the high beat instrument, Shenzhen New Liangtian Technology Co., Ltd., with the theme of "intelligent technology, low-carbon and environmental protection", made its debut in the special booth 1D41 of Hall 1. During the exhibition, through video, album, poster, single page, prototype, explanation and social media, To domestic and foreign customer groups and new technology enterprises, the company comprehensively demonstrated its achievements in continuous technological innovation over the past ten years, seamlessly linked office products with terminal consumer demand, constantly promoted the innovation, upgrading and sustainable development of the office industry, and at the same time, highlighted the role of Liangtian High Beat in consumer electronics Innovative products and outstanding applications in office and teaching fields.

    Exhibition first One day, Secretary General Luo of Shenzhen Education Preparation Industry Association and his entourage came to the New Liangtian booth to check the status of the exhibition and negotiation on the spot. They asked about the scale of the exhibition and the customers coming to negotiate on the spot. Secretary General Luo also looked carefully before the exhibition samples with great interest and asked about the technological and functional innovation and sales market of the exhibition products.

    New products attract the attention of the audience

    The intelligent information interaction terminal GW1000R/GW1000W, endorsement screen beat meter GW500R, certificate verification terminal H2000R, book beat meter BS3000P/BS2000P, multi-function integrated beat meter and other products were watched by the audience.

    Intelligent office Efficient convenient

    At this High tech Fair, the office beat meter mainly exhibited the ultra-high definition beat meter, book beat meter, binocular live recognition beat meter (face comparison), recording and video beat meter, multi-function integrated beat meter and classic beat meter

    Information based teaching and teaching high time meter makes education go to the Internet+

    In this High tech Fair, the teaching beat meter mainly exhibited folding portable beat meter, flexible tube optical zoom beat meter, 10 megapixel beat meter, wall mounted beat meter and multi-dimensional display beat meter

    This year's High tech Fair, we have seen the power of China's scientific and technological innovation and witnessed another leap in the field of China's scientific and technological industry. Relying on its strong technical accumulation and strict quality requirements for its products, Shinliangtian has won wide recognition from customers at home and abroad. With the development strategy of technological innovation, Shinliangtian has injected a steady stream of vitality and vigor into smart life, smart office and smart teaching, adding luster to the High tech Fair. true // report one thousand six hundred and eight From November 13 to 17, 2019, the 21st High tech Fair was held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center. As China's largest, highest standard and most influential national level international science and technology event, the High tech Fair has become an important window for China's opening up in the high-tech field and an important platform for achievements transformation. As a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the design, R&D, manufacturing and sales of high beat meters
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