About us

Reasons for choosing us

Cross border e-commerce has been pushed into a craze in the epidemic environment of the past two years. I wanted to do it for a long time and have been paying attention to it. I am also a group of people who are relatively late in the industry. I talked about my experience and model for several months.

Platform advantages

Exclusive advantages of the whole network

Steam, also known as the steam platform in China, is loved by a new generation of teenagers. Especially when you enter the regional service abroad, you can play with netizens all over the world. It's a lot of fun. So what are the popular games this year? Today, I bring you this year

Station Master's Experience

Honest old station

With the process of globalization becoming faster and faster, the internal requirements of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the two major cycles at home and abroad, plus the anti epidemic

System advantages:

Can individual Xiaobai make money doing cross-border e-commerce? (Amazon+Shopify Xiapi Independent Station)

The ranking of interesting games on steam platform (recommended by the top five games)

What are the commonly used chat software abroad? (What APP to chat with foreigners)

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What we have

Personal Xiaobai

Cross border e-commerce has been pushed into a craze under the epidemic environment in the past two years. I wanted to do it for a long time, and I have been paying attention to it all the time. It is also a group of people who entered the industry late, and it has been doing it for several months


Steam, also known as the steam platform in China, is loved by the new generation of teenagers. Especially when entering the regional service abroad, it can play with netizens all over the world

Commonly used abroad

With the process of globalization becoming faster and faster, the internal requirements of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the two major cycles at home and abroad, plus the anti epidemic

How to stay in the country

If you need to apply for an American bank card in your business and life, you need to know the application methods and procedures for an American bank card. At present

How to remove

It may be annoying to notice that people wear mosaics after taking great photos. Or, there may be online videos you want to use

MAC screen

There are many ways to take a screenshot of Mac. Today, I have summarized several simple and practical screenshots for you.