Quail dress and swan face What does diet mean

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Content Introduction A microblog user wanted to know the differences between the four nouns "dish, course, dietand cuisine", which can all be used to mean "food and dishes". Both "Dish" and "course" can refer to a specific "dish"; "DIET" mainly refers to "daily diet"; "Cuisine" means "the cooking style of a country or region"
The quail dress and the swan face, through the ages

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Content Introduction A microblog user wanted to know the differences between the four nouns "dish, course, dietand cuisine", which can all be used to mean "food and dishes". Both "Dish" and "course" can refer to a specific "dish"; "DIET" mainly refers to "daily diet"; "Cuisine" means "the cooking style of a country or region"

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What does diet mean(

Content introduction A microblog user wants to know "dish, course"

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Give you a dish of duck, and you will miss home after eating it. There is also a dish that is loved every day. With a soup, you will be healthy forever. Another glass of wine, happiness will be long. With a bowl of rice, love will always accompany you.