Ningxia released the public brand logo, slogan and mascot of medlar region

10:58, May 26, 2021 Source: People's Daily Online - Ningxia Channel

Yinchuan,, May 26 (Liang Hongxin) "The release of Ningxia Lycium barbarum LOGO, slogan and mascot is a key step to comprehensively build a regional public brand of 'Ningxia Lycium barbarum' and 'Zhongning Lycium barbarum'." This morning, the press conference for the release of the regional public brand of Ningxia Lycium barbarum and the preparation of the fourth Lycium barbarum Industry Expo was held, Wang Zixin, Deputy Director of the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of the Autonomous Region, introduced the relevant information.

The public brand logo of Ningxia medlar region was released. Photographed by Liang Hongxin on

It is understood that the public brand logo of Ningxia Lycium barbarum region consists of Lycium barbarum and the word "Ning". Red symbolizes red Lycium barbarum, yellow symbolizes the Yellow River, and the prominent word "Ning" expresses the specificity and authority of the regional public brand. The word "Ning" combines the characteristics of the nine bends of the Yellow River in its strokes, reflecting that Ningxia was born and prospered because of the Yellow River. The Yellow River is rich in Ningxia, and Ningxia wolfberry is the best in the world.

Wang Zixin introduced that the brand slogan of Ningxia Lycium barbarum was determined to be "Ningxia Lycium barbarum is precious", and the slogan takes "authentic" as the core value, which has been described in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" of Ningxia Lycium barbarum.

Ningxia medlar mascot released. Photographed by Liang Hongxin on

At the press conference, the mascot of Ningxia medlar was also displayed. The mascot symbolized his vitality of nature with the running posture of small medlar. The thumbs up were to praise Ningxia, Ningxia medlar and human health; The wrists and ankles embellish the water lines of the Yellow River, highlighting that Ningxia medlar originates from the farming culture of the Yellow River.

The image of the medlar mascot in Ningxia.

(Editor in charge: Jia Ru, Toleration)

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