Fashion and beauty consultant - stream of consciousness women's clothing

2012-05-09 14:07:00   Source: China Franchise Network   794 people participated
  • Business Scope: Home Fabric
  • Number of stores: 56
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Isliu stream of consciousness women's clothing Let fashion become your stream of consciousness. Art and business are well integrated, which is the source of isliu's endless charm. She broke the convention early and launched the concept of mixing and matching From design to process, from color to shape, from details to collocation, all are "mixed" to be elegant.

ISliu draws inspiration from films, music, painting and other arts, combines trends, stimulates creativity, and shows women's elegant and modern temperament, which is free, confident and from the heart.

Fashion women between 18 and 30 years old, fashionable, confident, independent, generous fashion women. Most of them have received higher education and high-quality culture, like changing life and challenges, have their own way of life and unique grasp and requirements for fashion, and fully interpret fashion, trend and elegant customs.

It can fully meet the requirements of contemporary women for fashion. "Fashion, beauty consultant" is the consistent image positioning of the stream of consciousness (isliu), providing various services that have been constantly changing attempts to create a colorful fashion life for it. Improve the beauty of their own external and internal palace.

Isliu's fashionable, professional, meticulous and friendly services make it an indispensable beauty partner in women's life.

The shop of ISLIU makes all customers look bright. ISliu will restore the ancient and luxurious mediocrity to the world trend, create a shopping environment full of art and fashion, and let people enjoy the fun of Netcom.

Company name: Korea Consciousness Stream International Clothing () Co., Ltd
Contact: Mao Tianbin
Tel: 020-89250230 to 827 Mobile: (13925817009 15014845915)
company website:

label: Joining in casual and fashionable women's wear Leisure fashion women's clothing franchise store Joined casual women's wear Brand casual women's clothing joining
 Romantic season underwear
  • six hundred and eighteen people Focus on women's clothing
  • six thousand six hundred and eighty-five people Consulting women's clothing

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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