To create a real retail miracle, Saslax just understands consumers' hearts better

2018-06-07 13:47:46   Source: China Franchise Network   7232 people participated
  • Business Scope: Clothing
  • Number of stores: 800
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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In the physical retail industry, how does the brand Shasileis quickly add stores and maintain sales? To create the miracle of physical retailing, Saslax just understands the heart of consumers better.

Famous fashion brand, creating fashion:

Since its inception, fashion brand Saslax has built a positive brand image with accurate fashion vision and keen market sense.

Saslax keeps abreast of international fashion trends. Designers often travel around the world's major shows and fashion capitals to seek design inspiration and design elements, keep pace with consumers' pursuit of fashion, seize every moving fashion signal, create a flow for consumers, and create a beautiful world.

Thanks to the ingenuity of designers, every product of Saslax Shaslax has the characteristics of delicacy, elegance, fashion and avant-garde, which can meet all the needs of people for wearing. It is a real trend. Here, becoming beautiful is a simple and beautiful thing.

Crafted with ingenuity, starting from "zero defect":

To create the miracle of physical retailing, Saslax just understands the heart of consumers better. Every product of Saslax puts consumers in the first place. Whether it is fashion, quality or price, it increases/increases the demand of consumers.

There is no need to say more about the degree of fashion. The real fashion has explained everything. As for quality, Saslax has never been careless. Even in the eyes of others, we should be careful about small details until the product reaches a better level. "Zero defect" is our basic standard.

Saslax, a brand owned by Manzhe Enterprise, landed on the NASDAQ screen on May 10, showing the brand strength and brand confidence of the brand. Saslax wishes the brand greater development.

I believe that after the accumulation and precipitation of Saslax, the test of the market and consumers, and the growth and efforts of the brand owners, Saslax will truly step onto the world stage in the near future to show its brand strength and example! To create the miracle of physical retailing, Saslax just understands the heart of consumers better.

 Romantic season underwear
  • one thousand and ninety-one people Focus on women's clothing
  • twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-two people Consulting women's clothing

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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