How about joining Aiyifu

2018-01-11 10:41:25   Source: China Franchise Network   8766 people participated
  • Business scope: clothes
  • Number of stores: 231
  • Single store investment: 50~100 ten thousand
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Now women's economic conditions are more and more independent. Many people are able to buy all kinds of beautiful clothes for themselves, so women's clothing sales are very good. Which brand of women's clothing is popular now? Aiyifu women's clothing, of course. It has more strength than other brands and constantly creates more good women's clothes for people. How about joining Aiyifu now? Aiyifu Women's Wear Smart Choice can be operated, which is a good entrepreneurial project.

 Aiyifu Women's Clothing

How about joining Aiyifu? If the store is about 30 square meters in a county-level city, the monthly turnover is 3400 discounts, and the monthly gross receipts are 2720 discounts. 180 discount for labor wage and 3282 discount for rent. The store in the prefecture level city is about 72 square meters. The monthly turnover is 4900 discounts, and the monthly gross receipts are 3920 discounts. The size of different stores is different, and the natural situation is also different. Everyone must choose the right store to join according to their own actual situation, so as to improve/increase the rich results in the later period.

Aiyifu is subordinate to Xiamen Nonghe Garment Co., Ltd. The company was founded in 2004, and now its franchise stores are all over the country. Aiyifu headquarters is a very powerful company, with rich entrepreneurial experience and excellent management mode, which can help franchisees to start businesses more stably and clear up the difficulties on the entrepreneurial path. Now when joining this brand, the headquarters will send a good team to assist the franchisee in site selection and decoration, provide a better decoration scheme for the franchisee, so that the store can easily attract more customers.

 Aiyifu Women's Clothing

After the above detailed introduction, I now know how about joining Aiyifu! If you choose Aiyifu, even without any entrepreneurial experience, as long as you have the support of the headquarters in many aspects, you can easily develop more stably in the women's clothing industry and create more wealth. Don't hesitate. You can only get rich by seizing the opportunity.

 Romantic season underwear
  • six hundred and forty-one people Focus on women's clothing
  • eight thousand four hundred and ninety-two people Consulting women's clothing

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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