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Ethanol motor gasoline

Updated on: 2018-09-23 15:38:11 Information No.: 225177259
 Ethanol motor gasoline
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thirteen billion three hundred and eight million seven hundred and fifty-five thousand three hundred and thirty-six 0875-2126778

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Ethanol motor gasoline

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ethanol motor gasoline? According to relevant research data, gasoline containing only 10% ethanol can increase the oxygen content of gasoline by 3.5%, and the increase of oxygen content can make gasoline burn more fully. In addition, the octane value of ethanol vehicle gasoline is higher, so the antiknock performance is also better. Taking ordinary gasoline as an example, compared with No. 92 and No. 95 gasoline, ethanol motor gasoline has an octane number of more than 110 and excellent antiknock performance. From the perspective of emission control and environmental protection, compared with conventional gasoline, gasoline containing 6% ethanol can reduce hydrocarbon emissions by 5%, carbon monoxide emissions by 21%~28%, nitrogen oxide emissions by 7%~16%, and toxic gas emissions by 9%~32%. However, since the calorific value of ethanol is only 60% of that of conventional motor gasoline, the fuel consumption of the engine will increase by about 5% based on the measured data, even more "unburned" when the price of gasoline per liter continues to rise at present, under the condition that the vehicle uses ethanol motor gasoline without any changes % ethanol gasoline will further increase the cost of vehicle owners. Moreover, because the evaporation temperature of ethanol is higher than that of gasoline, it has affected the formation and combustion speed of the mixture to some extent, thus affecting the power output of the engine. For consumers, after using ethanol gasoline for vehicles, they may feel that after a foot of heavy fuel valve, acceleration will be more sluggish than usual, This is also one of the main reasons for the increase of fuel consumption per hundred kilometers. In addition, the warranty period of ethanol vehicle gasoline is relatively low, generally about one month, which requires that after a tank of ethanol vehicle gasoline is filled, it needs to be burned as soon as possible within one month, otherwise there may be a small amount of water after ethanol is oxidized, which will affect the engine effect over time. As for the engine itself, ethanol vehicle gasoline also has a certain negative impact,. Ethanol has the characteristics of swelling, high latent heat of evaporation and water generation after combustion. The swelling will accelerate the aging of rubber parts, especially oil pipelines; Secondly, the high latent heat of evaporation means that the vehicle is difficult to start at low temperature, and the acetic acid generated after ethanol combustion will rust the metal parts of the engine. Moreover, in cold regions such as Northeast China, fuel ethanol also affects the road conditions due to the water produced by ethanol burning quickly icing on the road. In addition, from the perspective of production, although biofuel, as a renewable fuel, is very important to promote in the long run, the shortage of production fuel is also one of the main problems faced at the moment. The promotion of ethanol fuel is based on the premise that China needs to digest some of its old grain. At this stage, China's grain production is not rich, Therefore, it is difficult to have too many biological materials to produce ethanol. However, with the gradual promotion of ethanol motor gasoline, as an automobile manufacturer, it is bound to upgrade key technologies to meet the use characteristics of ethanol motor gasoline. It may be that in a short time, models that mainly use conventional gasoline will be adversely affected. But in the long run, the use and promotion of ethanol motor gasoline will affect the national environmental protection plan, It is beneficial and harmless. Can the lubricating system adapt to the sudden change to ethanol gasoline for vehicles? The fuel system of the vehicle does not adapt to the sudden change to ethanol vehicle gasoline, which may cause unstable idle speed, increased fuel consumption, weak acceleration and other problems. When the fuel system finally adapted, some car owners began to worry about what would happen to the lubrication system? The problems of the lubrication system mainly lie in three aspects: on the one hand, the incompletely burned ethanol vehicle gasoline will enter the lubrication system. The incompletely burned ethanol vehicle gasoline will enter the crankcase along the cylinder wall and enter the lubrication system. Ethanol itself is a good organic solvent, which will clean the sludge, carbon deposit, colloid and other deposits inside the engine and bring them into the lubrication system, thus polluting the engine oil and affecting the operation of the lubrication system. The second aspect is the acid products after the combustion of ethanol vehicle gasoline. Ethanol vehicle gasoline will generate acetic acid and sulfide after combustion. These acidic substances will enter into the engine oil with the fuel, resulting in a rapid reduction of the total base number (TBN) of the engine oil, which will lead to acidification (TAN increases rapidly) and attenuation of the engine oil. After the engine oil decays to a certain extent, it cannot provide stable protection for the engine, and the metal parts inside the engine will also be corroded by acid substances. At this time, replace the engine oil in advance. The third aspect lies in the corrosion of ethanol to the seals. Ethanol is corrosive to some sealing materials resistant to gasoline. This "corrosion" is not a conventional concept of "corrosion". It mainly affects the crankshaft oil seal, valve oil seal and other seals, causing hardening, swelling and even cracking of the seals, causing oil leakage. What shall I do? I'll give you some advice. Step: Clean the engine interior with engine internal cleaner before changing to ethanol vehicle gasoline, so that colloid, sludge, carbon deposit and other deposits can be discharged with the old engine oil to avoid affecting the normal operation of the lubrication system. Step 2: Use lubricating oils with relatively high TBN (such as Limol Raytheon series) to neutralize acidic substances, avoid corrosion of metal parts caused by rapid rise of TAN, and delay oil decay process to extend oil change period. Step 3: regularly add oil leak proof agent to the engine oil to restore the elasticity of the seals and prevent oil leakage due to corrosion of the seals.

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