Chifeng Post Branch

Profile of China Post Group Chifeng Branch

Chifeng Branch of China Post Corporation is a large state-owned communication enterprise affiliated to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Branch of China Post Corporation, which undertakes the obligations of universal and special services in Chifeng.

Chifeng Branch is located in the South Post Building, Hada West Street Road, Hongshan District, Chifeng City. It has five functional departments (General Office, Human Resources Department, Finance Department, Party Construction Department of the Party Committee, Labor Union), two marketing departments (Marketing Department, Service Quality Department), three business support departments (Financial Business Department, Philatelic and Cultural Media Department, Channel Platform Department) 2 directly affiliated units (confidential communication branch and business bureau), and 11 flag county branch companies. According to the requirements of the Group's mailing wing reform, Chifeng Branch and Qixian Branch have independent mailing business divisions.

There are 298 business outlets in the city, including 226 in rural and pastoral areas; There are 914 convenient postal service stations, 526 postal shopkeepers, and 27 postal shopkeepers' demonstration stores in the city; There are mail processing centers covering an area of 5000 square meters in Qiaobei Logistics Park in Hongshan District, and 11 flag and county branch companies have mail processing sites. There are 218 postal vehicles and 106 investment vehicles in the city. There are 131 postal routes in the city, 13207 kilometers one-way, of which 21 are between cities and counties, 10 are secondary trunk routes, 1900 kilometers one-way, 11 are postal routes, 1940 kilometers one-way. There are 577 delivery routes in the city, 31429km one-way, including 266 urban delivery routes, 8130km one-way, 311 rural delivery routes, 23299km one-way, covering all towns and villages in the city and Gacha Village.

From the ancient times of the beacon post station to today's rapid science and technology, Chifeng Post has given full play to the unique advantages of "three in one" logistics, information flow and capital flow, and has built a city wide, fast running, unimpeded information, safe and reliable physical delivery network and a business investment service network covering urban and rural areas by using the postal comprehensive network, financial network and e-commerce system; Covering more than 50 business services such as business letters, express packages, financial insurance, philatelic newspapers, and exchange fees, it has provided comprehensive services in all directions, from multiple angles and at multiple levels for Chifeng party and government organs, social organizations, small and medium-sized enterprises, and residents, and is promoting local economic and social development It plays an important role in protecting citizens' basic communication rights, and has won many honorary titles such as "National Customer Satisfaction Enterprise", "National May Day Labor Award", "Demonstration Unit of Democratic Management of Factory Affairs Openness in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region", etc.