Sweep away evil

Fully promote the construction of the beautiful South Lake, compact the responsibility system, and deepen the "Three Five Year Plan"

2020/01/17 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author:

Peak of Nanhu District Ecological Environment Branch

In 2020, under the guidance of the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the District Ecological Environment Branch will comprehensively implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought and the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on ecological and environmental protection work, closely focus on the decision-making and deployment of the District Party Committee and the District Government, firmly adhere to the concept of green development, vigorously carry forward the spirit of red boat, take the responsibility of "the best district", and strengthen the reform of systems and mechanisms, We will strengthen law enforcement, resolutely win the "turnaround battle" of ecological environment governance, accelerate the establishment of ecological civilization demonstration areas and the construction of beautiful South Lake, and take good ecological environment quality as a gift for the centennial founding of the Party.

Key objectives

The cross administrative area junction section of Nanhu District is well maintained, and there are 8 municipal control sections with water quality above Class III; The excellent rate of urban ambient air quality is more than 80%, and the annual average concentration of PM2.5 is not more than 35 micrograms per cubic meter.

Innovation Path

Compacting the responsibility system to create a beautiful South Lake

Actively give play to the role of the Ecological Creation Office and the Beauty Office in "taking the lead", strengthen overall planning, coordination, supervision and guidance, and thoroughly implement the eleven special actions for building a beautiful South Lake and the "ten key actions" for building a demonstration area of ecological civilization in the South Lake District. Formulate and issue the annual assessment and evaluation indicators, scoring rules and work responsibility statement, deepen the monthly notification system of ecological and environmental protection work, continue to improve a series of supervision systems such as problem finding, handling, supervision, feedback, and result application, and compact the responsibilities of each department and each subject. Improve the green communication network, explore and establish a new ecological environmental protection education model based on big data and "Internet+", popularize ecological environmental protection knowledge, actively guide enterprises to consciously implement the main responsibility of pollution prevention, give full play to the supervision role of volunteers, the public, the news media and other social forces, and form a strong atmosphere of public governance.

Continuously deepen the "three five" governance and comprehensively improve environmental quality

Be determined to win the battle against blue water. We will comprehensively carry out the special renovation of "four ponds", promote the standardized renovation of drainage outlets, the treatment of agricultural breeding tail water, and the treatment of rural domestic sewage, and ensure that all industrial parks have completed the construction of "zero direct drainage of sewage", and that the renovation of the printing and dyeing industry has been accepted. We will build a long-term mechanism for all people to participate in water control, spare no effort to speed up the project-based water control promotion action, deepen the water system connectivity and the special action of beautiful river and lake construction, and create a batch of projects with hundreds of rivers and thousands of rivers. We will resolutely win the battle of defending the blue sky. We will comprehensively promote the control of industrial enterprises' exhaust gas pollution, strengthen the control of industrial enterprises' unorganized emissions, comprehensively complete the clean-up and rectification of "scattered pollution" involving volatile organic compounds emissions, and the transformation tasks of low nitrogen and ultra-low emissions of boilers and ultra-low emissions of the steel industry, continue to deepen the control of volatile organic compounds, accelerate the construction of the "3+X" monitoring system, and continuously improve the air environment quality. We will fight a solid defense war in the Pure Land. Accelerate the preparation of the work plan for the prevention and control of industrial solid pollution and the construction of storage facilities for safe disposal of solid waste, comprehensively promote the standardized construction of hazardous waste warehouses, realize the standardized management of hazardous waste throughout the region, crack down on various illegal acts, and comprehensively promote the prevention and control of soil risks.

Focusing on the cohesion, law enforcement and supervision, and ensuring environmental safety

Strengthen the connection with the public security, procuratorial and law enforcement, deepen the grid supervision mechanism, promote the "double random and one open" law enforcement supervision, strengthen the application of automatic monitoring data law enforcement, and enhance the construction of comprehensive environmental capacity. We will continue to carry out a thorough investigation of environmental problems, make every effort to improve the exposure of environmental problems, strictly implement the "cancellation system" and "payment system", and make every effort to solve the problems left over from history. We comprehensively checked the risk source enterprises in the jurisdiction, deeply carried out the information registration of key environmental emergency risk enterprises, established the management list of emergency plans for environmental emergencies, improved the environmental risk discovery and reporting system, strengthened the construction of environmental risk management and control capacity, and improved the prevention and early warning system for environmental emergencies.

Continue to promote institutional reform and strengthen institutional guarantee for ecological civilization construction

In accordance with the reform requirement of "running at most once", with the help of the "Internet+" model, optimize the process, integrate government resources, and do a good job of environmental protection required by the masses and enterprises. Carefully sort out the "leader" standard of ecological and environmental protection affairs, and urge the "run at most once" reform to extend to the field of ecological and environmental public services. We will strengthen the institutional guarantee for the construction of ecological civilization, comprehensively implement the audit of the natural resources assets of leading cadres leaving their posts, improve the systems of environmental credit evaluation, mandatory disclosure of information, and severe punishment, establish and improve the mechanisms of environmental protection rewards and punishments, green development financial rewards and subsidies, and ecological compensation, and comprehensively promote the reform of the ecological civilization system. Actively optimize and improve the institutional setup, strengthen the town (street) ecological environment supervision system, establish a long-term learning and training mechanism for district leaders and environmental protection teams, and improve the overall quality of the team. Accelerate the construction of environmental informatization and environmental monitoring capacity, integrate the existing business system platform, establish and improve the monitoring and early warning mechanism of environmental carrying capacity, improve the comprehensive decision-making ability, and comprehensively create smart environmental protection.

label: Editor: Ni Li

South Lake News


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Town and street departments


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