Sweep away evil

The acquisition of land plots such as Daniantang, Santali and Qixinnong completed in one year

Nanhu District takes the first place to take the responsibility and bravely chews on the quality of the central city to improve the "hard bone"

2020/01/11 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Yang Xiujuan, Gao Yuwen, Correspondent Ni Zhifeng, Cheng Yin

Yesterday, an exciting news came from Jianshe Street, Nanhu District. As of December 31, 2019, the signing rate of house expropriation on the Great Hall plot reached 98%. This plot, which was planned to be expropriated at least three times, finally ushered in "spring". "It's time to move to a new house, and we won't be afraid of leakage in the rain!" said Wu Yinbao, 84, excitedly.

In the past 2019, Nanhu District took the first responsibility of being the "capital good district" and promoted the quality improvement of the central city for the early Republic of China: the battle of "saying goodbye to the village in the city", which lasted nearly two years, came to a successful end. The 10 "toilet carrying" and "tube building" projects led by Nanhu District were fully successful, and the 18 year old problem of Fulin New Home melted the "ice" ... The battle of quality improvement shows the iron demeanor of the party members and cadres at the place where the Red Boat set sail.

Unstoppable momentum, special battles

"Welcome the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of China with a new look of" one model every year, three major changes every year ". In November 2018, the municipal party committee held the urban work conference and the conference on promoting the construction of the central city, and the quality improvement of Jiaxing's central city was fully launched.

The order of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government is the "Charge", and the desire of the people to improve their living conditions is the strongest engine! As the main urban area of Jiaxing City, Nanhu District held a mobilization meeting at the first time, and quickly issued a three-year action plan to clarify the ten major special actions, which fully sounded the charge for improving the quality of the central city.

The most popular place is the focus of promoting the quality of central cities. In recent years, with the development and construction of surrounding areas, there are still some "villages in the city", "toilets" and "tube buildings" in the central urban area of Jiaxing due to various reasons, which have seriously affected the quality of life of residents. What should we do in the face of these "hard bones" with complicated causes? How to promote?

"To enhance the sense of primacy and shoulder the responsibility of the main force", Zhu Miao, secretary of the Nanhu District Party Committee, pointed out that the quality improvement of the central city is a key task of the municipal party committee and the municipal government to promote with the strength of the whole city. One end is linked to development, and the other is linked to people's livelihood. Nanhu District must go all out to push forward at full speed, and show the style and features of the red ship sailing place with high efficiency, With the high quality life of the masses, the high quality development is the initial aspiration of the people.

Aim at the most difficult point, deduct the most "pain point", and never stop until you win the battle. A series of "nail pulling" actions to overcome difficulties have been launched in the South Lake District:

Alarmingly, when the signing rate was only 42.7% on the last five days, the party members and cadres of Xinxing Street, District Urban Investment Group and District Tax Collection and Management Center were not discouraged or gave up. On the basis of adhering to the bottom line of the tax collection policy, they invested in the collection of "villages in cities" in the three towers with the greatest sincerity. On the evening of January 25, all efforts finally paid off. After 134 days and nights of hard work, the Santali Plot achieved 100% perfect signing.

Melt the "hard ice" that has been frozen for 18 years. In view of the "dead knot" of five remaining households in Fulin New Homeland who have not been relocated, several resettlement houses have not been completed and started construction, and some relocated households have been unable to obtain resettlement houses for 18 years, the district leaders led the team, and Xinjia Street and relevant departments jointly "accurately check the pulse" and "open the way" to solve the problem. Time and time again, we talked with each other and held many brightly lit meetings, which finally turned into the strong heat energy of "melting ice". As of July 1, all the five remaining households of land acquisition and relocation have signed contracts, and four resettlement houses have been completed, accepted and started construction respectively.

The signing rate of Santali plot is 100%, that of Qiaodong Street plot is 99.3%, that of Qixinlong plot is 98.7%, and that of Daniantang plot is 98%. According to the statistics of the Nanhu District Housing Acquisition Management Service Center, in 2019, 476 households were involved in the above-mentioned four district projects of housing acquisition and compensation on state-owned land, and 468 households signed contracts, with a signing rate of 98.3%.

At the same time, in the past year, 10 "toilet carrying" and "tube building" projects led by Nanhu District have been fully successful, and 283 households bid farewell to "toilet carrying" and welcomed the new life; Cooperate with municipal departments to implement 10 municipal housing expropriation projects, involving 495 households, with a signing rate of 99.8%. Taking advantage of this hot trend, the original 10 "toilet carrying" and "tube building" projects led by Nanhu District in 2020 have also been fully launched, "striving to complete the task of two years before the Lunar New Year!" Nanhu Iron Army promised.

Exchange Heart for Heart, Melt "Ice" with Love

"The levy comrades regard me as a relative." A few days ago, Grandma Ding, who is in her 70s, signed a levy agreement on her hospital bed. Grandma Ding was ill some time ago. When the New Year Hall collector learned about it, Lu Rongfa, a member of the Communist Party, and the staff went to the hospital every other day to visit her. The family members also helped to care for the elderly when they had something to do, which greatly moved the elderly and their children.

In exchange of heart and true feelings, Grandma Ding is just a microcosm of the "ice" melting with warmth in the work of improving the quality of the central city of Nanhu District. Improving the quality of the city and improving the life of the people is a great good thing for the people. In fact, in the consultation stage, residents are looking forward to it. However, the reason for the resistance in the final signing phase is that the heart knot has not been opened and there are still many difficulties at home.

While adhering to the principle of "one ruler to the end" and "one bowl of water to the end", Party members and cadres in Nanhu District always put "serving the people" first. Through household publicity and thorough investigation, they carefully and thoroughly analyzed and understood the actual difficulties of the requisitioned and relocated people, and tried to find ways to help them. During the whole contract signing period of many projects, the staff started the "five plus two" and "white plus black" mode. They often arrived at work at more than 8 o'clock in the morning, ate boxed lunch at the collection point at noon and in the evening. After the report and analysis meeting on the progress of the day was held late at night, many staff returned home at one or two o'clock in the morning the next day.

When collecting the front line party flag, the party members will always rush ahead when encountering difficulties. In the collection of three towers, some staff members welcomed the birth of a second child, some suffered from severe colds, foot burns, waist protrusions, and some experienced the unfortunate death of their loved ones. Among them, Dai Zhangzhao, a member of the emerging squadron of the District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade, found lung cancer in situ through physical examination, and did not operate until the end of collection.

During the expropriation, Nanhu District was good at innovating methods and found out a set of "soil methods" for casing. In the collection of the Great New Year Hall, Jianshe Street has selected street community cadres who are familiar with this area, professionals with rich collection experience, and staff who are like relatives of residents. The new working mode of "acquaintances+experts+relatives" has won the trust of more and more residents; With the "personal token", the cadres of Xinjia Street have stuck to it for 31 days and nights, unable to remember how many times they have visited their homes. They entered their homes during the day and often had to consult late at night, which finally influenced the remaining households of Fulin New Home; "Zero distance, face to face, heart to heart", with three communication "magic weapons", on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, when the collectors walked on the moonlight and waited downstairs for more than three hours with mooncakes in hand, Master Fei was finally moved to sign, making the signing rate of Qixinnong plots break the 95% mark in one fell swoop

Comprehensive treatment of special problems. In the expropriation of Daniantang plot, there are many cases where the property owner is unknown, the right of inheritance needs to be confirmed, and family conflicts and disputes need to be mediated. Often, a family has five or six or more heirs. Jianshe Street has set up a resident mediation room in the New Year Hall to provide legal services for judicial mediation and resolve disputes. Nanhu District Court and Yutian Notary Office also sent backbone forces to provide legal services on the scene, solving practical difficulties and problems for residents, which won unanimous praise from residents.

label: Editor: Song Hanqing

South Lake News


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