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The second batch of municipal service industry development funds issued in 2019

22.9 million yuan for pilot energy storage for service industry development

2020/01/06 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Fu Jing Correspondent Ni Zhuhong

The reporter learned from the Municipal Development and Reform Commission that in 2019, the second batch of Jiaxing municipal service industry development funds was released recently, and 54 projects received more than 22.9 million yuan in subsidies. The subsidized projects include large service enterprises, service platforms, key service industry enterprises and star rated commercial buildings.

Jiaxing Liangyou Import and Export Group Co., Ltd., a large service enterprise, won a scale award of 300000 yuan this time. This is a company focusing on import and export trade. In 2018, the company realized an operating income of 2.46 billion yuan, up 20.2% year on year. According to the fund subsidy policy, the company's annual revenue exceeded 1 billion yuan with a certain increase, so it was awarded the scale award. This year, under the complex situation that the external environmental risk challenges have risen significantly, Liangyou Import and Export Company still achieved an overall growth in revenue, which is expected to increase by more than 5%.

What is the secret for Liangyou Import and Export Company to keep growing against the trend? "It is the upgrading of product services and the change of marketing model." According to Wang Bo, the deputy director of the office of Jiaxing Liangyou Import and Export Group Co., Ltd., the traditional trading company's model is that customers provide product styles, and then find mainland factories to process. In recent years, Liangyou Import and Export Company has been innovating in product research and development, and independently designed and provided styles to customers, Change from passive to active. The company has 27 patents. In terms of marketing mode, traditionally, it is mainly through trade fairs to obtain customers, while Liangyou Import and Export Company has upgraded its sales channels by participating in third-party cross-border e-commerce platforms, acquiring e-commerce companies, etc., which is closer to the market and promotes the upgrading of product development. "Being able to obtain policy support is a great affirmation of our enterprise and enhances our confidence in development," said Wang Bo.

Like Liangyou, Haochao E-Commerce Company, Junbaohang Auto Sales Company, Jincan.com Supply Chain Management Company and other large enterprises also received scale rewards for their annual revenue exceeding 1 billion yuan or 500 million yuan for the first time with a certain increase. In addition to subsidizing these large-scale enterprises with stable revenue growth, the service industry development funds also favor those standard setting, provincial (municipal) famous brand enterprises. Century Transportation Design Company, Lu Zhijian Food, Jiangnan Building, Weizhizhai Food and other large enterprises have been rewarded for this. In addition, 8 enterprises including Zhejiang Science and Technology Incubation Development and Construction Company won the evaluation award of municipal service industry cluster.

Municipal service industry development funds not only provide "real gold and silver" policy support, but also play a guiding role in financial funds. For enterprises in key service industries such as modern logistics, science and technology and information services, and cultural tourism, numerous awards or subsidies have been arranged to guide the development of the industry. For example, Sichuan mountain beetle material supply chain, Shunyuan Logistics and other enterprises have been awarded the average benefit output per mu of logistics enterprises; Yuantong Express, Weikai Testing and other enterprises received investment subsidies. It is worth mentioning that since the introduction of the Implementation Measures of Jiaxing City on Accelerating the Development of Human Resources Service Industry (Trial) in 2018, in 2019, our city has honored the award for human resources service industry for the first time, Jiaxing Huinuo Human Resources Co., Ltd. has received scale award, and talent human resources companies have received exhibition subsidies.

Building economy is also an important part of the service industry. The municipal service industry development funds also honored the rewards for 14 star commercial buildings, including Hexing Building, CECEP headquarters building, Xiuzhou Chamber of Commerce Building, etc., and allocated building economic factors to Nanhu District, Xiuzhou District, and Jiaxing Economic Development Zone, totaling 12.4 million yuan.

During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, in order to build the service industry into the largest industry in the city, our city made full use of the role of the service industry development funds to guide and encourage social capital to invest in the service industry and accelerate the cultivation of new economic growth points. In 2019, our city has issued the first batch of municipal service industry development funds of 30.7072 million yuan, two batches in total, and a total of 53.614986 million yuan of municipal service industry development funds were issued throughout the year.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, a new round of policy opinions on the development of modern service industry will be issued this year. The new policy will further strengthen the introduction and promotion of key (headquarters) enterprises in the service industry, the introduction and promotion of major projects, the improvement of quality and excellence of key platform carriers, the innovation and development of night economy, and further promote the city's modern service industries, such as finance, science and technology, information, commerce, and elderly care The development of high-quality modern service industries such as kindergartens and new retail, and the support and guidance of municipal service industry development funds.

label: Editor: Ni Li

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