Nanhu District New Era Civilization Practice Center

"Learning in the South Lake" has three new actions

Establishment of high-quality and balanced preschool education reform in public junior high schools

2019/08/27 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Wang Shaoyun Correspondent Wang Kun Jiang Hui

The new semester is about to begin. What "new actions" will be taken by "learning in the South Lake"? Yesterday, Nanhu District held the opening work meeting of the 2019 school year. The reporter learned from the meeting that in the second half of the year, Nanhu District will comprehensively launch the "three major projects" of strengthening public junior high schools, reforming preschool education and building high-quality and balanced schools.

"We will further boost the confidence in running public junior high schools in Nanhu District with the project of strengthening junior high schools; comprehensively implement the management system reform of" focusing on districts "with the project of preschool education reform; gradually supplement the weak points with the project of creating high-quality balanced districts, and improve the balanced and high-quality level of compulsory education," said Sun Bolin, director of the District Education and Sports Bureau.

As the highland of the city's educational resources, Nanhu District has continuously polished the education brand of "learning in Nanhu" for many years. However, affected by the imbalance of educational ecology, in recent years, the development of public junior high schools in the region is facing many difficulties, such as poor student base, unreasonable structure of teachers, etc.

In the second half of the year, Nanhu District will combine the cultivation of "new high-quality schools" to further create a good educational ecology with the project of strengthening public junior middle schools. It plans to cultivate 10 public junior middle schools with advanced educational concepts, powerful curriculum reform and remarkable teaching results within five years.

This summer, many public junior high schools in Nanhu District have made high investment in summer maintenance and educational equipment upgrading, and the campus has taken on a new look. Next, Nanhu District will help public junior middle schools to improve the student source structure, improve the school running mechanism and student training mechanism by increasing the average public funding standard for students year by year, setting up a "principal fund" of 300000 to 500000 yuan, and supporting relevant schools to carry out small class pilot projects.

The district education research and training center will set up an expert group to further strengthen the business guidance of the district's public junior middle schools, establish a working mechanism, and organize teachers and researchers to go deep into junior middle schools to carry out normalization analysis, diagnosis and guidance, which not only provides comprehensive solutions for the school's business, but also provides precise services for the school to explore, cultivate and achieve a group of young teaching backbone.

Preschool education is getting more and more attention. The reporter learned that in the preschool education reform project, Nanhu District will carry out unified planning for kindergartens in the whole district in accordance with the principle of "district oriented" management system reform, to ensure that the size and number of kindergartens adapt to regional development and population growth.

In the second half of the year, Nanhu District will continue to promote the construction of Jinxing Kindergarten in Yuxin Town, Wuyue Xuefu Kindergarten, Zhonggang Road Kindergarten and Zixuan Kindergarten, and complete the main construction of three of them. At the same time, the review and evaluation of relevant kindergartens at all levels should be carried out in a planned and focused manner.

In order to further improve the level of kindergarten care and education, Nanhu District will continue to improve the kindergarten teacher exchange system and promote the reasonable flow of teachers between urban and rural public kindergartens. All kindergartens will carry out the practice of the curriculum reform project of "Playing Childhood, Learning Fun" in Nanhu District, and constantly improve the curriculum leadership of the head and the curriculum execution of teachers. At the same time, the kindergarten insists on taking games as the basic activity, resolutely puts an end to the tendency of "primary school", and comprehensively improves the quality of kindergarten care and education through the development, implementation and evaluation of kindergarten based curriculum programs.

In addition, in the project of creating high-quality balance, Nanhu District will refer to the List of Rectifications for the County Government to Achieve the Goal of Quality Balance and the List of Rectifications for the Compulsory Education Schools in Nanhu District to Achieve the Goal of Quality Balance, and the District Education and Sports Bureau will focus on the "overall" indicators, and the schools will focus on the "point" indicators, combine the point with the area, complement the shortcomings and develop the strengths, and orderly promote the high-quality balance of education in the whole district.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

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