Nanhu District New Era Civilization Practice Center

Expanding the path of "helping and leading" the frontline of aerial teaching and research

Jiaxing aided Xinjiang teachers' innovative teaching and research activities won praise

2019/08/22 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Shen Hongyu, Correspondent of Fu Jing

Recently, Zhang Qiang, a teacher from Pinghu Middle School, gave a lecture on a micro topic, which was presented to the teachers of Shaya No. 2 Middle School in the form of recording and broadcasting using modern teaching equipment. Zhang Qiang is the training object of Zhejiang Famous Teachers in 2016 and the provincial teacher training expert in Zhejiang Province. He has won the National Award for Foreign Language Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools. The lecture made the teachers of Shaya gain a lot, and they still have much to say.

This is one of the series of activities of "Air English Teaching and Research" launched by Shen Fang, a teacher who helped Xinjiang in Jiaxing, and it is also a new way of "helping and guiding" in education. It is reported that "focusing on helping and guiding, leaving a team of teachers who cannot be taken away" is an important task for Jiaxing Youth League teachers to enter Xinjiang. How to expand the scope of "mentoring" and find an efficient path? In the past year, the teachers of the volunteer teaching group have actively explored in combination with the local teaching situation. "Aerial English Teaching and Research" series activity is an innovation.

It is understood that since arriving in Shaya, Shen Fang found that it was difficult to organize a teaching and research activity in terms of manpower and material resources due to the wide geographical area, and there were few unified teaching and research activities in Aksu. Shaya County is located at the edge of Tarim Basin, so the traffic is inconvenient, and there are few opportunities for teachers to go out to attend classes. In Jiaxing, each grade will organize at least one targeted English teaching and research activity every semester, which consists of listening to open classes, speaking, evaluation and expert lectures. Systematic teaching and research activities can broaden the horizon, improve the teaching and research ability, and accelerate professional growth. It is a necessary learning way for teachers to grow. After deep thinking, Shen Fang believes that the resources of the teaching and research groups of Pinghu Middle School and Shaya No. 2 Middle School can be shared to form a common promotion of English teaching and research.

Shen Fang's idea of "English teaching and research hand in hand" has been strongly supported by Pinghu Middle School and fully affirmed by Jiaxing's Xinjiang Aid Headquarters. This plan plans to use modern teaching equipment to "study a paper, have a class and produce a volume" in 2019 by means of recording and broadcasting, and systematically carry out "mentoring" in classroom teaching research, English teaching research, teachers' specialty and other aspects, so as to promote the development of English teaching and research group.

All English teachers of Shaya No. 2 Middle School also watched the video of the open class taught by Zhang Yahong of Pinghu Middle School, and listened to the video lecture of the instructor after the class - the class won the first prize of the activity of "one teacher, one teacher, one excellent class" in Zhejiang Province. After class observation, we had a discussion on class evaluation. The teachers spoke enthusiastically and expressed their feelings about Zhang Yahong's class design, teacher-student interaction and other links. Gan Chunyan, the head of class preparation for senior one, said: "Zhejiang teachers' high-quality classes are efficient classes with teacher-student interaction and student student interaction. I feel her ingenious teaching design, which provides an example for me to reflect on my own classroom."

In the next semester, Shen Fang also plans to carry out three activities, namely, "research on the 2019 college entrance examination questions, proposition and question presentation activities", "complete unit teaching demonstration", "teachers in Shaya No. 2 Middle School have classes, and teachers in Pingzhong Middle School have class evaluations", to continue to lead and discuss in depth in terms of test paper scheduling, classroom teaching, etc. "We hope to help the English teaching and research of Shaya No. 2 Middle School with the professionalism of famous teachers and the systematicness of activities, so as to leave a team of teachers that can't be taken away," Shen Fang said.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

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