Nanhu District New Era Civilization Practice Center

Implement environmental protection and ecological education to create a green humanistic campus (I)

From Environment to Teaching Jiaxing Shihe Bilingual School "Green" Comes

2019/08/21 Source: South Lake Evening News Author: Wu Jue

As the smallest cell of the social unit, the school is also the best carrier to publicize environmental protection and infiltrate green ideas. In recent years, more and more schools have set up a green concept to strive for "green schools". Jiaxing Nanhu Shihe Bilingual School, adhering to the principle of "holistic education and ecological education", has been listed as a district level "green school", and is currently applying for Jiaxing's "eleventh batch of green school creation".

As a "green landscape" in Shihe Town, Shihe Bilingual School has obtained the three-star design logo certification of green buildings in China. With the goal of obtaining the LEED certification in the United States, it has always practiced the "green" concept and created a vibrant and healthy growth environment for students.

Careful planning

Shihe creates a campus with national green certification

This is the original intention of Shihe "Craftsman" Design School, which applies natural elements to every corner to create a relaxed, free and creative learning environment for children.

Seen from the outside, the most eye-catching non green "hill" roof of the school belongs to. This streamlined building is covered with vegetation and integrated with the surrounding green landscape. Children can play and learn on the roof lawn. Thanks to the rainwater recycling system, the rainwater from the green roof can be collected and purified for watering green plants. This visualization system enables children to understand the whole purification process more intuitively. In school, children can often be seen observing the scene of rainwater collected into the pool.

In addition, the school has applied green environmental protection technology in all aspects, which can be said to be "there is a universe inside". The ground source heat pump technology is used to make the classroom warm in winter and cool in summer while providing continuous hot water, saving about 40% of electricity; The "sponge city" measures, such as permeable pavement, ecological grass ditch, rain garden, etc., were used to make the school stand the test in the face of rainstorm through the mode of "infiltration, stagnation, storage, purification, use and drainage".

The building energy efficiency rate is 63.78%, the utilization rate of non-traditional water sources is 31.54%, and the consumption ratio of recyclable building materials is 11.29%... Through this group of data, we can more intuitively feel the "green" of the school.

The school tries its best to create an environment for environmental protection and education, create a good learning atmosphere, enable teachers and students to accept environmental education imperceptibly, and gradually develop the habit of environmental protection. Thus, the "ingenuity" building was recognized, and the school's architectural design won the highest national green building award - three-star green building design award, with the goal of obtaining the American LEED certification.

Combine education with pleasure

Shihe fully carries out green ecological education in teaching practice

Classroom is an important channel for green ecological education of students. Shihe Bilingual School is fully aware of this truth, and fully mobilize teachers to tap the hidden resources of various disciplines, so as to carry out the infiltration education of ecological moral education in the course teaching purposefully, in a planned and organized way.

For this reason, Shihe School (K-12) sets up a series of ecological inquiry courses, lists ecological education as an important part of teaching work, and effectively combines with the latest scientific and technological development, sustainable economic and social development, environmental protection and ecological resources. In kindergartens, we set up the teaching program of "kissing the nature" to give full play to the unique ecological resources of Shihe, such as "Snail" in the small class, "Planting Little Talents" in the middle class, "The Growth of Little Tadpoles" in the small class, and "Small Vegetable Garden" in the large class. In primary school, give full play to discipline characteristics, such as counting recycled plastic bottles in math class, and estimating carbon reduction effect; Understand the source of plastic and its impact on the environment in science class; Learn vocabulary and sentence patterns related to environmental protection in English class; Learn environmental protection knowledge and express opinions in Chinese class; Learn to sing environmental protection English songs in music class; Use pure "painting language" in the art class to express the feelings of caring for their homes; In STEAM course, students can design vegetable garden irrigation devices with waste plastic bottles... so that students can master scientific and cultural knowledge, understand the principles of energy conservation, environmental protection, and animal and plant care, and apply them in life.

In addition, in combination with natural resources such as Shihe Organic Farm, Shihe Flower House and Shihe Flower Sea, the school has set up a series of natural exploration courses to provide children with better practice bases, such as fragrance tour of Shihe pastoral courses, flower sea exploration, mustard seed oil, vegetable and fruit picking, etc.

For example, in the fragrance course, children in the third grade of primary school came to the Shihe flower house where rosemary, citronella, eucalyptus, mint and other fragrance plants were planted to identify various plants, explore how to vaporize, cool and separate the oil tissue in the plants by distillation, and extract tea tree dew from Australian tea trees. In the natural environment, children are full of curiosity to explore the unknown and believe that they will gain more. Their innocent and focused eyes are the best proof.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

South Lake News


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