Nanhu District New Era Civilization Practice Center

Letter on Invitation for Public Welfare Promotion Cup Production Quotation

2019/08/20 Source: Nanhu Civilization Office Author:

Each production unit:

In order to enhance the influence of "Civilization Practice in the New Era by the Red Boat", we hereby invite your company to participate in the production of the public welfare publicity cup quotation based on the principles of openness, fairness and justice. The preliminary planned production quantity is 150. Production requirements: glass; Reflect such elements as "the practice of civilization in the new era beside the red boat". If you are interested in participating in the production, you can fill in the quotation and send the Public Welfare Publicity Cup Production Quotation Form to Room 1663 (District Civilized Office) of Nanhu District Administrative Center before August 22 (Thursday), or you can directly send the electronic form to the designated mailbox. If you do not send it within the time limit, you will be deemed as giving up. Tel: 82838067, E-mail:

Attachment: Public Welfare Promotion Cup Production Quotation

Nanhu Civilization Office

August 20, 2019


Public Welfare Promotion Cup Production Quotation



Design Style


Production cost

Delivery time

Other instructions

Total expenses

We promise not to slander or slander our peers, collude in bidding, bid rigging, bid rigging, take bribes, kickbacks and other illegal means to conduct unfair competition.

Bidder (seal) Principal (signature):

Contact: Tel:

label: Editor: Luo Yi'e

South Lake News


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