Nanhu District New Era Civilization Practice Center

Inviting Laborers to the District People's Procuratorate on the Procuratorate Open Day

2019/04/30 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Zhu Biyu Correspondent Yang Xiaowei

Yesterday afternoon, the People's Procuratorate of Nanhu District held an open day for the builders of the Republic to walk into the procuratorial organs, inviting workers from all walks of life (model workers, advanced workers) to walk into the procuratorial organs, so that the people can better understand the procuratorial organs, understand the procuratorial work, and improve the relationship between the procuratorial organs and the public.

During the activity, 26 model workers, representatives of advanced workers, deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, retired model workers, advanced workers and representatives of ordinary workers from Xinjia Street and Mingyue Community were invited to the District Procuratorate to visit the 12309 procuratorial service hall and the minors' psychological counseling room and other uninspected workplaces, and also watched the process of bringing up for trial through the remote system. During the forum, Chen Lijun, Deputy Procurator General of the District Procuratorate, introduced the procuratorial work, especially the work of the District Procuratorate to play the procuratorial function to safeguard the rights and interests of workers. The representatives who came to the event also put forward suggestions on how to better play the procuratorial function, safeguard the interests of the masses, and create a good economic development and employment environment for workers.

Inviting workers to participate in the "May Day" procuratorial open day activity is not only an important link to comprehensively deepen the work of opening procuratorial affairs, but also a concentrated demonstration of the procuratorial organs in the new era to comprehensively carry out the "four major procuratorates" and solidly promote the "four major actions" of the district procuratorates.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

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