2018 National Two Sessions

Provincial Primary and Middle School Students Table Tennis League Finals

South Lake Table Tennis Junior Master Won Good Achievements

2018/04/04 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: reporter Wang Shaoyun, correspondent Chen Guoqin

Recently, the "ZSTL Zhejiang 9th Primary and Middle School Students Table Tennis League Promotion Competition (Group A) and Association Cup" sponsored by Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education, Zhejiang Provincial Sports Bureau and undertaken by Nanhu District Education, Culture and Sports Bureau opened in Jiaxing Fucheng Education Group. Nanhu District selected Fucheng Education Group and Jiaxing No. 1 Experimental School to participate in the competition. After fierce competition, Fucheng Education Group won the first prize of men's and women's groups in primary schools and the first prize of men's groups in middle schools.

It is reported that this competition is the fourth stage of the league, divided into high school men's and women's groups; The junior high school men's, women's and primary school men's, women's groups, 86 representative teams from all over the province, nearly 800 athletes participated in the competition. Due to the large number of participants, Nanhu District Education, Culture and Sports Bureau and Fucheng Education Group made a lot of preparations in the early stage, and made meticulous and humanistic arrangements in terms of staffing, accommodation arrangements, etc., to ensure the orderly progress of the competition.

label: Editor: Zhou Shihao

South Lake News


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