2018 National Two Sessions

Online and offline memorial for revolutionary heroes

Nanhu District has a strong atmosphere of offering sacrifices to heroes during the Qingming Festival

2018/04/04 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Lu Shengning Correspondent Jiang Shun, Yang Wen, Zhang Yue, Pan Qi

In order to vigorously carry forward the spirit of martyrs and create a good atmosphere for advocating heroes, defending heroes, learning heroes and caring heroes, Nanhu District has carried out the publicity and education activities with the theme of "Remembering the 2018 Tomb Sweeping Day Celebration of the Martyrs" for several days, and enterprises, institutions, schools, communities, etc. have carried out offline or online activities of sacrificing heroes, Create a strong atmosphere of praising heroes and martyrs in the whole district.

On a recent noon, all the active staff and party members of the Nanhu District Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau went to Jiaxing Nanhu Hero Park to carry out an activity to commemorate the martyrs during the Qingming Festival. During the activity, everyone carried out a solemn and profound sacrifice and sweeping activity by standing and bowing to the martyrs' monument, laying wreaths, collective mourning, and reading oaths. On the one hand, they remembered the heroes and martyrs who shed their blood for the revolution, and improved the awareness of patriotism; On the other hand, consciously remember the mission, actively participate in the reform tide, and comfort the heroes with practical actions.

In addition to this offline martyr worship activity, the bureau also organized all cadres and workers to carry out online martyr worship, red story telling, theme party classes and other activities on the China Heroes Network, especially called on all party members and cadres to lead by example, combining the patriotism of remembering the heroes with the purpose of serving the masses, To contribute to the reform of relatively centralized administrative licensing and the reform of "running at most once".

"We are not afraid of difficulties, have the courage to devote ourselves, never forget our original intention, remember our mission, learn from the revolutionary martyrs with practical actions, and play the exemplary role of party members as pioneers." In the Hero Park, Li Weifang, secretary of the Party Committee of Jiefang Street Jiefang Road Community, said. In order to remember the revolutionary martyrs, remember the history, strengthen patriotic education, and carry forward the spirit of the Red Boat, the Party Committee and Youth League Committee of Jiefang Road Community led party members and league members to the Hero Park to carry out an activity of paying tribute to the martyrs cemetery with the theme of "remembering the revolutionary martyrs".

During the activity, many community workers, Party members and League members expressed that they should cherish the happy life of the martyrs with their blood and lives, inherit and carry forward the noble morality of the revolutionary martyrs, set up lofty ideals, and integrate the pursuit of personal ideals into the common struggle to realize the Chinese Dream. After that, we visited the Jiaxing Revolutionary History Exhibition Hall to look for the heroic footprints and feelings of revolutionary martyrs.

Not only does Nanhu District remember the heroes offline in various ways, but also extends its respect, gratitude and inheritance of revolutionary heroes online. A few days ago, Yuxin Town Middle School organized and carried out the activity of "Our Festival · Tomb Sweeping Day – Online Celebration of Heroes".

During the activity, the students presented flowers and bowed to the martyrs by visiting websites such as China Civilization Network and China Minors Network, and left messages on the message board to express their feelings of remembrance. At the same time, the school organizes students to search for information about heroes online, and uses the information obtained to carry out a series of activities. For example, each class used class meeting time to hold a speech contest with the theme of "heroes in my heart". In front of a large amount of network information, students have a deeper and more specific understanding of the martyrs.

"This online martyr sacrifice activity has enabled students to further understand the moving deeds of the martyrs who threw their heads and blood for the motherland and the people, and sacrificed their own lives, and more deeply appreciate the noble quality and revolutionary spirit of the martyrs who are unyielding, brave and fearless." The relevant person in charge of the middle school said.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

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