2018 National Two Sessions

27% of the annual investment plan has been completed, and the operating rate has exceeded 90%

The road traffic construction in the district has made a good start in the first quarter

2018/04/04 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Shen Jia, Zhu Wei, Correspondent, Ding Yiqun, Chen Xiaoping

The one month long large and medium-sized repair of Fengqiao Yonghong Section of Yuyun Highway has been completed, and the large and medium-sized repair of 320 National Highway will also be completed by the end of April... Since the beginning of this year, Nanhu District Transportation Bureau has continuously accelerated the construction of highway transportation projects. At present, 27% of the annual investment plan has been completed, and the first quarter operating rate has exceeded 90%, achieving a "good start" in the first quarter.

Since the beginning of this year, Nanhu District Transport Bureau has served the overall development of the whole district, accelerated the construction of transport infrastructure, added 7 transport implementation projects, 8 small projects (categories) below 10 million yuan, and 11 highway engineering projects of continued construction, of which 5 are green finishing projects, which will be completed in the near future, with a total investment of 1.356 billion yuan, and the planned investment of 729 million yuan that year, Up to now, nearly 200 million yuan has been invested, 27% of the annual investment plan has been completed; Six projects with an investment of more than 10 million yuan and eight (category) projects with an investment of less than 10 million yuan have been fully started, and the operating rate has exceeded 90%, achieving a "good start" in the first quarter.

In order to ensure that the construction of each project can start on schedule this year and make progress while doing well, the District Transportation Bureau has started a lot of preliminary work such as project approval, design and bidding since the end of last year, such as the large and medium-sized repair of Yonghong section of Fengqiao, Yuyun Highway. This project is one of the large and medium-sized repair projects of county roads in Nanhu District in 2018. The bidding was completed at the end of last year, and the construction began in February this year. At the same time, a project promotion group, a bidding leading group and other working groups will be set up to divide the work into groups, refine the responsibilities, make overall arrangements, reverse arrangement plan, and closely link the environment, greatly improving the speed of the early stage of the project. For example, the Guangyi Road separator reconstruction project has started the project approval, design, bidding and other early stage work before the Spring Festival, and has officially entered the site for construction by March 5, The preliminary work only took less than a month, freeing up sufficient time for the project construction.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

South Lake News


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