Nanhu District New Era Civilization Practice Center

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Xiangjiadang Promotes the Creation of Civilization into a New Normal

2018/04/02 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: reporter Zheng Xiaomei, correspondent Zhu Xuhua

Since last year, Xiangjiadang has been included in the evaluation system of civilized cities. Taking this opportunity, Xiangjia Dang has made great efforts to invest, improve and publicize. New breakthroughs have been made in the evaluation of regional civilization index. Civilized habits of residents have gradually formed, and the social style of Jingmeirenhe has gradually formed.

This year, the drumbeat for the creation of a new round of civilized cities has sounded. "On the basis of maintaining the strength of civilization building, this year we will strive to achieve the normalization of civilization building, form a good atmosphere of 'civilization building depends on everyone and civilization building is everyone', establish a new regional image, and improve residents' happiness and satisfaction," said the relevant person in charge of the Xiangjiadang Management Committee.

Concept upgrading

Civilized propaganda is heard and heard

Recently, the evaluation team of civilized city construction entered Xiangjingyuan Community. As a residential area with more than ten years of "building age" in Xiangjiadang area, the civilized management of Xiangjingyuan Community is refreshing. The greening in the community is complete and the cleaning is in place. There are almost no "small advertisements" in the residential corridor. The vehicles are parked orderly. The garbage classification is also progressing steadily. "Small and beautiful" has become the best summary of this old residential area. The staff of Xianghu Community said that the community did not introduce professional property companies, but adopted the residents' autonomous management model. The reason why we can maintain such a clean living environment is entirely due to the good habit of community residents to cherish the environment.

Making the standard of civilized city construction internalized into the good daily life of residents is the fundamental goal of the construction, and also realizes the upgrading of the construction concept. To build a new normal for all people to participate in, mobilize residents to participate in the creation of civilization, and improve the quality of residents' civilization, Xiangjiadang has carried out a series of civilization propaganda work. Slogans and slogans about socialist core values and the creation of spiritual civilization can be seen on the main roads, public squares, window units, community bulletin boards and electronic displays.

On the March 8th Festival this year, the women's civilized volunteers in Xiangjiadang went to the streets to enter their homes, distributed publicity materials for civilization creation to residents and business operators, and popularized the common sense of garbage classification. To establish more communication channels, expand the propaganda position, Xiangjiadang issues a letter, focuses on preaching, visiting guidance, SMS sending, making various public service billboards, etc., actively creates an atmosphere of civilization creation, sets off the climax of civilization creation "not ebbing", and constantly improves residents' sense of responsibility and sense of gain.

To create a strong atmosphere of everyone's participation and awareness, and to normalize the education of residents, Xiangjiadang also relies on various platforms to achieve civilized publicity in communities, schools, units, enterprises, shops, and families, so that civilized publicity can be heard and heard.

Key rectification

Form joint efforts to make precise breakthroughs

Accurate benchmarking was carried out to remedy shortcomings. Xiangjiadang comprehensively carried out environmental sanitation renovation to achieve full coverage, focused on renovation of community living environment such as residential quarters, back streets and alleys, and main and secondary trunk roads, repaired infrastructure and road damage, strengthened property management, and ensured that residents' living environment was clean, tidy and comfortable.

Innovative working methods, Xiangjiadang implements the "dual network" interactive full coverage model, bringing the cadres linked by organs, community cadres, residents' backbone, etc. into the community grid, building an organizational network from top to bottom, from point to surface, and extending the "tentacles" of management to every corner of the community.

In terms of dynamic management, problems and omissions were found in a timely manner by means of key contact with government officials, normal concern of community officials, and supervision and inspection of residents' backbone, and problems were promoted to be rectified in the shortest time through instant release of WeChat group and QQ group. At the same time, the administrative law enforcement squadron, market supervision, local police station and other functional departments will assign relevant staff to each community, road section, and farmers' market, to achieve the "three fixed management" of fixed time, fixed person, and fixed post, and further enhance the ability to deal with problems immediately.

With the help of the construction of "four platforms" in Xiangjiadang, the feedback channel of residents' opinions and suggestions on urban management is unblocked. Xiangjiadang also refined and summarized the community's "35" refined service work model, that is, through three ways of "cadres' understanding, residents' reflection, and information collection", to grasp the public situation, and through five steps of "analyzing the public situation, timely handling, feedback results, public comments, and work assessment", to handle the actual situation of the people. This model helps to realize the normalization of community civilization creation, promote the new community management and service system, and lay a solid foundation for civilization creation.

long-term mechanism

Realize the improvement of management level

At present, the evaluation of civilized city construction has been included in the key work of Qixing Street. The sub district fully implemented the supervision and guidance mechanism, incorporated civilization building into the target responsibility system assessment of all work lines and communities, and carried out mutual observation, mutual learning and mutual comparison. The content of civilization evaluation shall be subject to task backward scheduling, time backward forcing and department linkage.

In addition, the main leaders of the street will convene and deploy civilization building meetings regularly and irregularly to timely report the creation work and existing problems, implement the list management, respond to and solve the problems that can be solved in coordination on the spot, and organize on-site inspection for the problems that cannot be solved immediately, and track and supervise the solution in time.

For communities and departments that have done well in the establishment of civilization, they should organize on-site observation to learn from experience, see the highlights, find gaps, and find ideas. At the same time, strengthen work exchanges between communities and departments to promote the effective promotion of the creation work.

label: Editor: Zhou Shihao

South Lake News


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