2018 National Two Sessions

"As long as he has a breath, I will take care of him no matter how difficult it is..."

Good daughter-in-law takes care of vegetable husband for 12 years

2018/03/21 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Intern Jiang Heng Correspondent Tao Yuting Reporter Gao Yuwen

"Although he may not wake up, or he may not feel what I have done to him, as long as he can see him every day, he will feel that he has a companion and his heart will be secure." In Fengqiao Community, Fengqiao Town, when the name Hao Guizhen is mentioned, many people will be filled with respect and moved from the bottom of their hearts. Over the past 12 years, the story of Hao Guizhen's persistent care for her husband Peng Jinxiang, a vegetable, has been widely reported.

Hao Guizhen clearly remembered that it was March 21, 2006, when a sudden accident upset the peaceful life of the family. On the same day, Peng Jinxiang, 58, rode a tricycle to his employer's house to do mud work. Unexpectedly, he was hit by an accident on the road and fell into a coma on the spot.

Rescue in the intensive care unit costs thousands of yuan every day, which is undoubtedly a heavy burden for an ordinary rural family. At that time, the doctor reminded Hao Guizhen that she might lose both money and people, and her relatives and friends advised her to give up. But she always believed that "with him, the family will be complete, and as long as people are alive, they will have a dream." She sold the only two sows in the family and almost borrowed all the neighborhood relatives. Hao Guizhen managed to save her husband's life, but Peng Jinxiang became a "planter" because of his injuries.

"There is hope when a man is alive. As long as he has a breath, I will take care of him no matter how difficult it is." Hao Guizhen said so and did the same. For more than 4400 days and nights since then, she has been waiting for her husband almost every step of the way.

At 5:00 every morning, Hao Guizhen will start a day of hard work. She urinates every 1 hour, feeds liquid food every 3 hours, feeds water every 6 hours, scrubs her body once a day, and scrubs her body twice a day in hot weather... These tedious matters are her compulsory courses every day.

In Hao Guizhen's eyes, his wife has always been a clean person, so even if he lies in bed, he can't make do. Hao Guizhen still hopes that he can live more comfortably and decently, Help him exercise to prevent muscle atrophy. "Even if he doesn't get better, he should feel happy and happy," said Hao Guizhen.

After her husband met with a car accident, Hao Guizhen didn't sleep soundly. Her meticulous care made Peng Jinxiang, who had been lying for 12 years, never have bedsores. Her whole body was clean and smellless, and there was no inflammation at the tracheotomy. A good daughter-in-law interprets the true feelings of the world with simple and powerful actions, and has created a miracle of life. One day in December last year, her daughter talked to Peng Jinxiang as usual, "Dad, open your eyes and look at me, and nod to me if you hear me, even if you blink." At this time, Peng Jinxiang blinked twice in a row, and Hao Guizhen and her daughter shed excited tears. After so many years of hard life, Hao Guizhen finally had a glimmer of hope. Gradually, Peng Jinxiang occasionally answered his name vaguely.

When asked what is the biggest wish now, Hao Guizhen, who is over seventy, told the reporter that she hoped her husband would get better

label: Editor: Xu Hui

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