"Infinite dreams of micro force around" New Year's micro video network culture communication activity

Warm Heart for Vulnerable Groups and Contribute to Community Construction

Look at the social worker stories around me

2018/03/02 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: reporter Lu Shengning Correspondent Dong Xiaoping Le Zhang Ping

In recent years, Nanhu District has taken various measures to provide all-round services such as talent training, capacity improvement and financial support for community social organizations in its jurisdiction, so that more social workers can reach the grassroots level, Go into the homes of vulnerable groups to solve their problems, integrate into community construction, and give advice for community development.

Recently, Nanhu District held an on-site review meeting of social work cases to conduct professional review of 28 social work cases declared. This review broke the conventional mode of closed door internal audit. For the first time, it adopted the way of on-site display, public observation and expert review to highlight the points. It carried out a comprehensive evaluation around the authenticity, integrity, professionalism and effectiveness of the cases, and selected a batch of outstanding cases that are grounded, effective and of typical exemplary significance.

At the same time, the expert judges were all members of the first group of social work experts in Nanhu District. Zhu Hailun, associate professor of Jiaxing University, Yu Jian, director of the scientific research department of the Party School of Jiaxing Municipal Party Committee, and other industry experts were invited to participate in the selection. After intense selection and evaluation, 3 first prize cases, 5 second prize cases and 7 third prize cases were finally selected. Now, let the reporter take you to see the stories that happened at the grass-roots level after the intervention of social workers.

Interview between social workers and service objects

[Story 1] Help people plant the "seed" of optimism

Case type: service for the unemployed with difficulties Social worker: Zhang Jie

For various reasons, Mr. Cao, the service object, always felt that the original unit was very unfair to him and excluded him. Not only did he not get a salary increase for two consecutive years, but also he was "merciless" and did not renew his contract when the contract expired. Mr. Cao believes that he is over 50 years old, and it is difficult to find a stable job outside. The original unit should not be so ruthless.

Therefore, Mr. Cao was very angry and thought that the original unit owed him something, so he decided to go to the original unit to ask for an explanation. At the same time, because he has never been married and is still single, and his parents have passed away, he believes that his life has no hope and is very depressed.

Later, I communicated with Mr. Cao many times through professional methods, which not only made Mr. Cao cheerful, but also slowly adjusted his attitude, planting a "seed" of optimism in his life. As this seed "took root", Mr. Cao began to say goodbye to negative energy slowly, and found a job through hard work, which opened a new journey of his life again.

With the help of social workers, Aunt Han went out of her home and actively participated in the community safety patrol, becoming a safety volunteer

[Story 3] "The outside world is wonderful"

Case type: case of the elderly who lost their independence Social worker: Zhu Ji

After the loss of his son, the service object Han Mou has been depressed, suspicious of being seriously ill, slightly depressed, and highly dependent on her husband.

After retirement, Han often stayed at home alone and did not like to go out. He was very taboo about all kinds of health problems. His husband also did most of the housework at home. Fortunately, Mr. Han's husband has a wide range of interests and hobbies. After retirement, he gave full play to his spare heat and helped himself as an electrician in a private enterprise. He is relatively cheerful and strong, and always pays attention to enlightening his wife. The economic condition of Han's family is fairly good. Both the husband and wife have endowment insurance, medical insurance, and living conditions are also good. Her problems are mainly psychological.

In view of her characteristics, I comprehensively applied social work professional methods and theories to help her get out of her inner shadow, improve interpersonal relationships, reshape self-concept, build self-confidence, and eliminate negative psychology, so that she can invest in new life with a positive attitude, find her own value, and return to society to normalize. At the same time, she helped her re-establish a support network in the community, laying a solid foundation for her to go out of her home and integrate into the community.

Review meeting site

[Story 2] A single mother's "new life"

Case type: marriage and family service Case description Social worker: Zhang Yihuan

The client, Xiao Hui, divorced because her husband was obsessed with gambling. After divorce, she had to repay the loan and the house loan at the same time. Repaying the debt became the focus of her whole life. However, Xiaohui's daughter was very considerate of her mother's hard work. They worked together and finally paid off all debts in 2017. But then, new problems beset her. The focus of her life then shifted to her daughter's personal problems, which made the mother and daughter who had been in harmony become inseparable.

She thinks her daughter has reached the age of marriage, but she has no intention of falling in love, which makes her anxious. Because she was worried that her divorce would affect her daughter's view of marriage and love, she took various actions to force her daughter. Daughter can't stand it. Mother and daughter often quarrel about it.

After my intervention, I used the combined family therapy mode and rational emotional therapy mode to help her adapt to the single life and find the focus of her life through five services. At the same time, improve her communication skills and ease the tense relationship between mother and daughter; She strengthened her self-confidence, improved her interpersonal skills, expanded the social support system, and let a single mother embark on a "new life" road.

Community residents participate in the "National Reconstruction of Families" activity

[Story 4] Residents help the community change

Case type: community construction Social worker: Shen Jiejun Chen Lifang

The project of "National Reconstruction of Home" in Xinnan Community takes the elderly in Zhongshan Yiheyuan Community as the starting point, and uses mobilization, invitation, joint consultation and other methods to give full play to the sense of ownership and improve the enthusiasm of the elderly to participate in community management. By transforming the original rest points in the community, replacing the old seats, adding gazebos and benches, creating the micro landscape along the river in Jardine Matheson, and through independent publicity and guidance among residents, the full use of resources is achieved, creating a rest point integrating leisure, entertainment and fitness for residents, and improving the ability of residents to manage and develop themselves.

During the implementation of the project, we transformed the original chess and card spots for the elderly in the community and replaced the original old stools through the concerted efforts of the elderly; The residents' meeting was held to fully listen to the residents' opinions on how to build pavilions, benches, and micro landscapes. While beautifying the community environment and effectively meeting the real needs of residents, it also improved the participation of residents and enhanced the autonomy of residents in the community.

label: Editor: Zhou Shihao

South Lake News


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