"Infinite dreams of micro force around" New Year's micro video network culture communication activity

The "behind the scenes hero" of large-scale activities and the "all-round steward" of the cultural and sports center

September Media: Creating New Supply for Cultural Media Industry in a New Era

2018/03/02 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Zhu Shenjia, Xu Bingzhou

In March, Jiaxing International Creative Culture Industrial Park is verdant and green, and enterprises full of creativity resonate with each other, constantly releasing new vitality of the cultural and creative industry. Zhejiang Jiuyue Cultural Media Co., Ltd., which has just been rated as the 2017 Advanced Enterprise in the Cultural Industry of Nanhu District, is a comprehensive cultural media enterprise committed to creating new supplies for the industry. Supported by strong innovation, planning, organization and execution, today's Jiuyue Media is not only a senior service provider of many listed enterprises, but also a "hero behind the scenes" of various large-scale activities, and also a "all-round steward" of large cultural and sports centers.

Continuous explosion team "small universe"

It has been favored by the market for many years

As a comprehensive cultural media enterprise, Jiuyue Media has four business segments, including graphic design, event planning and implementation, film and television production and new media operation, and public cultural services. Although the establishment of this enterprise is less than 10 years ago, the person in charge and core members of the enterprise are all senior advertisers, who have worked for more than 15 years.

"The cultural and creative industry is highly competitive. We believe that innovation is the first driving force to lead development, so we continue to achieve our own innovation in enterprise management and business capability through both 'going out' and 'inviting in'. For example, every year, the core team is organized to participate in the training courses for business management talents and the professional refresher courses for creative design, and enterprise management consulting companies are invited to carry out internal training. " Chu Linfeng, head of September Media, said.

It is reported that Jiuyue Media also owns Jiaxing Binhai Advertising Planning Co., Ltd. and Jiaxing Jiuhe Cultural Development Co., Ltd. In recent years, September Media has been deeply rooted in Jiaxing, facing the Yangtze River Delta, and has become a senior service provider for many listed enterprises - in the field of communications, it has served China Mobile Jiaxing Branch for a long time; In the field of real estate, its long-term customers include Greenland Group Zhejiang, Jiaxing Wanda, Country Garden Zhejiang, Zhongliang Group Jiatai, etc; In the financial field, its service customers include CITIC Bank, Zhejiang Merchants Bank, etc.

In recent years, Jiaxing has hosted and undertaken many large-scale events with national influence. The cultural media companies that participated in the event planning and undertook on-site execution can be described as "heroes behind the scenes" out of the spotlight. In September, the media has repeatedly been entrusted with important tasks, and has become the planning and execution company of China Jiaxing Dragon Boat Festival Folk Culture Festival, Jiaxing "Ten Thousand Red Lights Reflect in the Hecheng City" activity, and the National Dedication Conference for TV Artists. In October 2017, the main venue of the National Chongyang Climbing Fitness Conference Center was held in Jiaxing, and the media in September once again successfully completed the planning and implementation of large-scale activities.

Innovate public cultural service mode

Serve as the "housekeeper" of the cultural and sports center

"New era, new climate and new actions, in order to achieve the development and growth of enterprises, we are also actively transforming and upgrading." Chu Linfeng introduced that public cultural services are its new business segment, "the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to meet the new expectations of people for a better life, we must provide rich spiritual food. In the traditional concept, people generally believe that public cultural services are the business of the government. We believe that the traditional public cultural services can no longer fully meet the needs of the masses for cultural activities, and the socialized operation tailored to local conditions can provide more new supplies. "

Chu Linfeng said that the cultural enterprises have created ideas, teams and innovations for public cultural activities in a township (street). Such a service model has few precedents before. Jiuyue Media can be said to be "people who feel the stones and move forward". At the end of 2016, in September, the media welcomed the first trusteeship project - Haiyan Economic Development Zone (Xitangqiao Street) Culture and Sports Center.

In Chu Linfeng's view, enterprises with a wide range and large quantity are indispensable carriers to provide rich spiritual food for grassroots people. Now, Jiuyue Media has extended its public cultural services to enterprises. "The construction of corporate culture in the new era also needs professional 'butlers'."

"We hope that through the concept of 'government led, market operated, integrated operation, scientific management, and sustainable development', we can realize the integrated management mode of intensive operation for public cultural venues, and realize that people come every day, there are activities every week, and there are highlights every month." Chu Linfeng said that through active exploration, the feasibility of this mode has been fully proved, Therefore, the pace of media transformation in September has become more and more firm.

label: Editor: Zhou Shihao

South Lake News


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