"Infinite dreams of micro force around" New Year's micro video network culture communication activity

Use online platform to "amplify" the interaction between offline women's federations

Nanhu District launched the "dual networks and dual competitions" rotation activity

2018/03/02 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Zhu Biyu Correspondent Yue Min Qian Li Jun

Yesterday afternoon, the first activity of the online and offline shift activity of "striving to be a good daughter in a new era, striving to create a high level of women and new performance" in Nanhu District - "Nanhu daughter's heart goes to the party to build a beautiful new dream" was held in Yuehe Historical and Cultural Street.

The first activity was held by Xinjia Street Women's Federation in turn. During the activity, a group of the most beautiful entrepreneurs and families were commended, and five women entrepreneurship demonstration sites were awarded. The sisters who participated in the activity also visited the women's demonstration post Zongzi Museum, Women and Children Experience Base, Red Cube Volunteer Service Station, Yingying Women's Handicraft Workshop, Hulusi Training Point and other workplaces where women "take the lead", Many people who participated in the salon activity of Yuehe Sisters in Xinjia Street were recruited through the Internet. As the "first show" of the "two networks and two competitions" rotation activity, yesterday's activity lit the "first light" for the "roadmap" of the annual series of activities in Nanhu District.

The online and offline shift activity of "striving to be a good daughter in a new era, striving to create a high level of new performance for women" is an important carrier to promote the construction of regional women's federation in Nanhu District this year. This year, Xinjia Street Women's Federation, Nanhu Street Women's Federation, Dongsha Street Women's Federation, Jiefang Street Women's Federation, Jianshe Street Women's Federation and Yuxin Town Women's Federation will all take turns one by one.

In addition to yesterday's activities, from May to December this year, the other women's federations of the towns and sub districts participating in the rotation will also carry out green cycling around the South Lake with the theme of protecting the South Lake, voluntary services with the theme of good neighborliness and friendship, environmental protection shows with the theme of green environmental protection The propaganda meeting with the theme of good family customs and good family instructions around us and the online filial piety culture communication activity with the theme of warm filial piety stories around us.

It is reported that this year's shift activity will actively strive for all kinds of social resources, realize the sharing of position resources, explore the construction of a service team of "women's federation cadres+social workers+women volunteers", form a "interconnected, interactive and complementary" service pattern, explore the creation of a "1+1+N" model, and adjust measures to local conditions by creatively carrying out pilot work such as the rotation of executive committee and village (community), We should flexibly create women's organizations in new fields, and gradually form a new pattern of grass-roots organization construction that "thousands of lines above, one network below, and one home around".

These activities will be carried out online through WeChat, QQ and other channels while offline physical activities are held. The District Women's Federation will also open a column on the WeChat public account to regularly display the characteristics and highlights of each town (street) on duty. By further promoting online and offline interaction, we will transform one-way publicity into two-way interaction, truly synchronize the construction of online women's federations with the work innovation of offline women's federations, build a new working pattern of "Internet+women's federations" that integrates network, work network and service network, and make full use of network means to "amplify" the social influence of the work of women's federations.

This shift activity is an important measure to drive the release of the reform dividend of the Women's Federation with a typical demonstration, an exploration to stimulate the work activities of the Women's Federation with online and offline integration, and also a new action to lead the women's construction with party building, and gather the joint efforts of women's federations, trade unions, Youth League committees and other mass organizations. Zhao Xuqin, the chairman of the District Women's Federation, said that he hoped that through the "double networks and double competitions" rotation activity, each region could launch bright features, use typical guidance to drive more women's work, better provide services for the masses, work together to solve the imbalance and insufficiency in women's development, and safeguard the most concerned, direct and realistic interests of women, Improve women's sense of gain, happiness and security.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

South Lake News


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