"Infinite dreams of micro force around" New Year's micro video network culture communication activity

More "Red Elements" in the Lantern Festival Cultural Dinner

A series of cultural activities of "New South Lake by the Red Boat" has been held for more than 100 times

2018/03/02 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Wang Shaoyun Intern Jiang Heng Correspondent Zhou Fang

After the Lantern Festival, the Chinese New Year will come to an end. Today is the annual Lantern Festival. In order to celebrate this traditional festival, yesterday afternoon, the 2018 Nanhu District "Send Joy to the Grassroots" literary and artistic performance "Sing the New Era Culture into Thousands of Families" activity jointly sponsored by the Nanhu District Party Committee Propaganda Department and the Nanhu District Education, Culture and Sports Bureau was held in Guiyuan District, attracting many residents to stop and enjoy it.

Three sentence and a half "General Secretary Xi Visits the South Lake", solo "Sing a folk song to the Party", group singing "Little Poplar"... The annual Lantern Festival performance is a cultural "feast" familiar to South Lake residents. The reporter found that this year's lively traditional festival cultural performance has incorporated more "red elements".

"When General Secretary Xi visited the Red Boat, he never forgot his original intention to walk hard, and the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation was realized!" Accompanied by gongs, drums and cymbals, four aunts from the New Star Chorus, Ai Fengyun and Zhang Xianmei, brought a wonderful three sentence and a half performance, "General Secretary Xi visited the South Lake".

"The form of" three sentence and a half "is easier to understand and more popular with the people." Li Jing, the head of the New Star Chorus, told reporters that last year General Secretary Xi Jinping led the members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to visit the Red Boat in the South Lake and deliver an important speech. After that, they began to create the lines of the three sentence and a half program. The original herb was created by a friend from the north. In order to make it closer to the appreciation of Jiaxing citizens, the whole group made two revisions and added some Jiaxing dialects.

The four aunts who participated in the performance were very proud. "As children of the South Lake, it is our honor to praise the South Lake." Aunt Ai Fengyun, a member of the team, said that everyone is a little old. It takes a lot of effort to remember lines and speak standard Mandarin. It is reported that as a new program, "General Secretary Xi's Visit to the South Lake" has been performed for the fourth time on the stage, and the audience's response is very enthusiastic.

The reporter learned from the Publicity Department of the District Party Committee that since January 2018, Nanhu District has carried out a series of Spring Festival cultural activities with the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Nanhu, and the theme of "New South Lake by the Red Boat". Up to now, a series of cultural activities have been carried out more than 100 times.

The relevant person in charge of the Publicity Department of the District Party Committee told reporters that Nanhu District has extensively carried out cultural activities with the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the "Red Boat Spirit" as the theme, as well as grassroots performance activities under the theme of "Never forget the original intention to enter a new era", and has successively held the "New South Lake by the Red Boat · Beautiful Life in a New Era" cultural auditorium, cultural home boutique performance and "Propaganda of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to help the new countryside" Cultural volunteers in Nanhu District sent culture to the countryside and many other activities.

At the same time, the propaganda groups in Nanhu District, together with the literary and art teams, went to villages, communities and enterprises to publicize the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the "Red Boat Spirit", inherit the "red gene" in education and entertainment, and build a "red palace".

label: Editor: Xu Hui

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