2018 South Lake District Two Sessions

Xiangjiadang Region Held 2018 Work Safety Conference

Keep the red line, build the bottom line, ensure safety and promote development

2018/02/05 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: reporter Zheng Xiaomei, correspondent Wu Jianjun

Recently, Xiangjiadang held the 2018 work safety conference to summarize the work safety in 2017 and define the work safety tasks for the new year. Zhang Xifeng, director of Xiangjiadang Management Committee, heads of enterprises and institutions, heads of projects under construction, community directors, community safety production assistants and all members of the regional safety committee attended the meeting.

The meeting commended 6 advanced collectives and 12 advanced individuals in the work safety management of Xiangjiadang region in 2017, reviewed the work of regional production safety, food safety, regional fire safety, traffic safety and public security prevention and control, and the work of safe production in the field of regional construction in 2017, and deployed the work of 2018. Zhang Xifeng and relevant responsible representatives signed the 2018 Xiangjiadang Regional Safety Comprehensive Objective Management Responsibility Statement.

Keep the red line, build the bottom line, ensure safety and promote development. In 2017, under the high attention and correct leadership of the Regional Party Working Committee and Management Committee, under the strong guidance of the Regional Safety Committee, and under the joint efforts of all entrepreneurs and safety managers in the region, the work safety in Xiangjiadang region adhered to the concept of "people first, safe development" and red line awareness, further strengthened and implemented the main responsibility of work safety, Ensure the overall stability of the regional safety production situation, and create a good safety production environment for the construction of "safe Xiangjiadang".

Xiangjiadang District, in accordance with the requirements of "industry management must be responsible for safety, business management must be responsible for safety, and production management must be responsible for safety" and "the Party and the government should share the same responsibility, one post should have two responsibilities, and joint management should be carried out", defines the tasks and responsibilities of the Party Working Committee, the Management Committee, departments, and enterprises in work safety. In 2017, 268 safety production responsibility letters were signed in the region. Each community has signed a work safety responsibility agreement with self-employed households and small and micro enterprises within its jurisdiction to urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility of work safety and implement safety work.

In 2017, the Xiangjiadang Management Committee arranged and organized special safety inspection actions for many times, especially at important time nodes such as important holidays, major regional theme activities, security of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Wuzhen Summit, to inspect hazardous chemicals, fireworks and firecrackers, "three places and three enterprises", special equipment, food and drugs, and other fields, so as to find and rectify in time and eliminate potential safety hazards, It ensures the regional safe production and food safety in a stable and orderly manner.

After three years of continuous efforts, Xiangjiadang has completed the establishment of safety production standardization for all enterprises above the designated size, promoting the construction with innovation, and preventing potential safety hazards with standardized management. Last year, two listed supervision units in the region with major potential safety hazards completed rectification and successfully "delisted"; According to the requirements of the district government, Xiangjiadang District has completed the rectification of five hazardous chemical enterprises, and is expected to complete the relocation in the first half of this year; Innovate "Internet+supervision", and regional large and medium-sized production enterprises are basically included in the hidden danger troubleshooting system of the Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau; Xiangjiadang also completed the transformation of more than 200 sets of smart power systems, and introduced social services to improve the professional level of regional safety supervision. In the future, the safety supervision department can realize real-time monitoring and control of enterprise safety production.

In combination with the work safety at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, Zhang Xifeng pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the publicity atmosphere, publicize the relevant laws and regulations on work safety, the spirit of relevant documents and meetings, and the cases of work safety accidents, publicize the good practices and experience of work safety, expand the publicity channels, and maximize the scope of work safety publicity. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the troubleshooting of hidden dangers, implement the subject of responsibility, do a good job in self inspection and self correction, implement the responsibility of territorial supervision, and increase supervision and inspection. It is necessary to strengthen problem rectification, pay attention to the "looking back" of hidden dangers, and timely find problems and rectify them in place through special inspection, daily patrol inspection, enterprise self inspection, department supervision and inspection. It is necessary to strengthen accountability for law enforcement, punish those who find that the rectification of problems is not in place in a timely manner, and hold those who fail to perform their duties in place in the event of a safety production accident, they will be strictly held accountable.

Zhang Xifeng requested that the unstable factors of work safety increased at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, which could easily lead to a "resurgence" of lax thinking and violations of laws and regulations, an increase in the factors inducing accidents, and increased pressure on work safety. All departments and enterprises should combine the actual situation, deeply analyze the laws and characteristics of safety production at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, study and judge the possible safety risks in advance, develop and take targeted control measures, and ensure that all safety precautions are in place.

label: Editor: Zhou Shihao

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