2018 South Lake District Two Sessions

Members of the CPPCC District Committee discussed the report of the "two houses" in groups

2018/02/05 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Zhu Biyu Correspondent Wu Yueqin District News Center Song Hanqing

Yesterday morning, the CPPCC members attending the second session of the fourth session of the District CPPCC held group discussions on the Work Report of the People's Court of Nanhu District of Jiaxing City and the Work Report of the People's Procuratorate of Nanhu District of Jiaxing City.

At the group discussion, CPPCC members spoke enthusiastically and the atmosphere was warm. The members believed that the work report of the "two academies" was full and accurate, with solid data, facing problems directly, seeking truth from facts, and objectively and comprehensively summarized the work of the "two academies" in 2017. The year 2017 was the first year of the government and the decisive year of the reform of the judicial system. In this year, the "two courts" firmly grasped the main line of law enforcement for the people, closely focused on the overall economic and social development of the South Lake District, conscientiously fulfilled the responsibilities entrusted by the Constitution and the law, and made important contributions to maintaining social harmony and stability and promoting social fairness and justice in the region, It has created a good judicial environment for the economic and social development of Nanhu District.

For the work deployment in 2018 in the report of the "two academies", the members believed that the goal was clear, the thinking was clear, and it was in line with the development reality of the South Lake District, which would provide a reliable judicial guarantee for the construction of the South Lake District into a strong socialist modernization zone.

In combination with the contents of the report and their own work, the members also spoke freely and offered suggestions, and put forward opinions and suggestions on further strengthening the team building of the "two institutes", deepening judicial innovation, improving case handling efficiency, improving case handling quality, and safeguarding judicial justice.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

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