Study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress, new era and new journey

Jianshe Sub district established the Party Branch of the Chamber of Commerce

2018/01/17 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Lu Rongfa, Field Correspondent, Liu Yixiang

In order to further strengthen the party organization construction and party member education management of the Chamber of Commerce, and expand the coverage of party building in the work of the Chamber of Commerce, on January 15, Jianshe Sub district set up the party branch of the Chamber of Commerce, which marks that the party organization construction of the Sub district Chamber of Commerce has reached a new level.

It is reported that there are 7 full members in Jianshe Sub district Chamber of Commerce. After the establishment of the party branch of the Chamber of Commerce, it will closely connect the members of the Chamber of Commerce whose organizational relationships are scattered in different places through the form of joint construction and sharing, so that civil organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce can also be integrated into the party's organizational construction work, So as to better play the leading role of the Party organization in the work and operation of the Chamber of Commerce. "At present, there are 54 member enterprises in Jianshe Sub district Chamber of Commerce. Next, we will give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members and the battle fortress role of the Party branch, actively carry out activities of the Party branch, improve the rules and regulations of the Party branch, pool our wisdom and efforts, effectively gather the majority of members, and create a harmonious and stable internal environment." said the relevant person in charge of Jianshe Sub district Chamber of Commerce.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

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