Study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress, new era and new journey

Let women and children live more happily in Nanhu District

Nanhu District Holds Working Conference on Women and Children

2018/01/17 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: Zhu Biyu Correspondent Wang Yanming Qian Lijun

Yesterday morning, Nanhu District held a working conference on women and children in the whole district, which conveyed and implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the requirements of the provincial and municipal working conference on women and children, reviewed and summarized the work of women and children in the whole district since the "12th Five Year Plan", and studied and deployed the work tasks of women, girls and children during the "13th Five Year Plan" period. The person in charge of all the member units of the District Women and Children Working Committee, as well as the chairmen of the Jiaxing Science and Technology City, Xiangjiadang Management Committee, the women's federations of the people's governments of all towns and sub district offices attended the meeting, and Cai Lixin, the deputy head of the district, attended the meeting and made a speech.

At the meeting, the District Health and Family Planning Bureau, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the District Statistics Bureau exchanged speeches on women and children's work in the past five years. Zhao Xuqin, deputy director of the District Women and Children Working Committee and chairman of the District Women's Federation, reported the development of women and children's cause in Nanhu District during the "12th Five Year Plan" period, and defined the development goals and tasks of women and children's cause in the "13th Five Year Plan".

During the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, Nanhu District adhered to the basic national policy of gender equality and the principle of children first, deeply implemented the provincial, municipal and district development plans for women and children, and further improved the development environment, living and working environment for women and children, further deepened the education and cultural undertakings for women and children, further covered the health care network, and further improved the social security capacity, The role of women in society has also been further enhanced, the protection of women's and children's rights and interests has been further strengthened, and the effectiveness of practical projects related to women and children has become increasingly prominent, which has effectively promoted the sustainable development of women and children's cause in Nanhu District.

For the development of women and children's cause during the "13th Five Year Plan" period, Nanhu District has set 69 major goals, proposed 65 major measures, set 57 major goals, proposed 59 major measures, and proposed five major practical projects for women and children's work.

During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the South Lake District will further play the important role of women in economic and social development, further meet the needs of women and children for high-quality and diversified education, constantly improve the health level of women and children, and build a more perfect protection system for the rights and interests of women and children. Ensure that the work of women and children is implemented, promote the improvement of infrastructure and the improvement of management and service capacity, truly make the majority of women and children in the region benefit from the general, substantial and long-term benefits, and effectively enhance the sense of gain and happiness of women and children.

label: Editor: Xu Hui

South Lake News


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