Study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress, new era and new journey

Xiangjiadang District (Qixing Street) Held 2017 Annual Economic and Social Development Briefing

Xiangjiadang's regional economic and social development has reached a new stage

2018/01/15 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: reporter Xu Pei, correspondent Zhao Jiaqin

On January 13, the 2017 annual economic and social development briefing was held in Xiangjiadang District (Qixing Street). Zhang Xifeng, Deputy Secretary of the Xiangjiadang Regional Party Working Committee and Director of the Xiangjiadang Regional Management Committee, made a report on behalf of the Xiangjiadang Regional Party Working Committee and the Xiangjiadang Regional Management Committee (Qixing Sub district Office), reporting the economic and social development of the region in 2017 and the main tasks in 2018.

At the meeting, Zhang Xifeng comprehensively and systematically summarized the work of Xiangjiadang region in 2017, focusing on regional transformation and upgrading, ecological construction, livelihood undertakings, government services and other aspects.

Zhang Xifeng said that in 2017, under the correct leadership of the Nanhu District Party Committee and the District Government, Xiangjiadang District closely focused on the goals and tasks determined at the beginning of the year, focused on demolition and acquisition, led by investment attraction, focused on project construction, based on function improvement, based on people's livelihood improvement, guaranteed by stability and harmony, highlighted the key points and strengthened measures, The annual goals and tasks were well completed.

In the past year, the economic and social development of Xiangjiadang region has reached a new level. Statistics show that in 2017, the total industrial and agricultural output value of Xiangjiadang region reached 5.012 billion yuan, an increase of 7.8% on the same caliber; The total fiscal revenue was 416 million yuan, up 34%, including 103 million yuan of local general public budget revenue, up 15.7%; Fixed asset investment was 3.297 billion yuan, up 20.6%; The per capita disposable income of residents is 42305 yuan. At the same time, the area has also successfully created a provincial health street, which has won the honors of provincial Shuxiang Town, municipal advanced unit for "three reforms and one demolition" without violation of construction, and municipal advanced unit for "twelve consecutive championships" of safe construction, and was awarded "safe Jinding".

At the beginning of the new year, we will carry forward the past and open up the future. Zhang Xifeng pointed out that in 2018, the idea of Xiangjiadang's regional economic and social development is to hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, deeply study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping in Nanhu, and put the red boat spirit and the new development idea through reform, development and stability. In accordance with the goal of building a "coordinated urban and rural pilot area, an ecological city demonstration area, a key tourist resort area, and a model area for transformation and upgrading", we should seize the major opportunities in the development and construction of the Eastern New Town, adhere to the main line of tourism, highlight the "five tasks" of "double recruitment and double introduction, platform level, people's well-being, key difficulties, and grassroots foundation", and implement the demolition and clean-up, project promotion Urban management and ecological construction are the "four key tasks" to promote the sustainable and healthy development of regional economy and society.

In terms of specific work, the focus is five major tasks - one is to highlight the two approaches and two introductions to enhance the driving force for development; Second, highlight the energy level of the platform and improve the quality of the city; Third, highlight people's wellbeing and share a better life; Fourth, highlight the key and difficult points and implement the four major challenges; The fifth is to highlight the basic level and strengthen the Party building.

The blueprint is beautiful, and the goal is inspiring. Zhang Xifeng stressed that 2018 is an important year for comprehensively and deeply studying and implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping in Nanhu, and also a key year for the fifth anniversary of the adjustment of the regional system in Xiangjiadang. The important task is to shoulder and urge people to make progress. Xiangjiadang should stick to the goal, work hard, and make outstanding achievements to the municipal and district party committees and governments, the regional masses The enterprise handed over a satisfactory answer sheet.

In the second stage of the meeting, nearly 200 NPC deputies and CPPCC members from Xiangjiadang region participated in the meeting to discuss and review the report in groups and actively contribute to the regional economic and social development. "In the past year, Xiangjiadang region has made remarkable achievements in environmental upgrading, platform upgrading, supporting upgrading, etc. The most intuitive feeling is that the roads around our factory are wider and the river is clearer. With the transformation and upgrading of the region, our enterprises are also actively transforming and upgrading. We have passed the ISO22000 quality system certification and invested more than 5 million yuan in the construction of the beautiful factory. " Sun Yanan, a representative of the National People's Congress of Nanhu District and the chairman of Jiaxing Nanhuzhai Food Co., Ltd., said that as a native of seven stars, she paid close attention to the development of Xiangjiadang region, and her enterprises also took root here

label: Editor: Zhou Shihao

South Lake News


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