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Always strive at the front line of work, Zhou Xiaoji, deputy director of law enforcement and case handling of the Seven Star Police Station——

"I wanted to be a good policeman when I was young"

2018/01/15 Source: Jiaxing Daily Author: reporter Zheng Xiaomei, correspondent Zhao Jiaqin

Every period of time is quiet and there is someone behind you to carry the weight forward. In April 2017, after nearly eight years of criminal investigation, Zhou Xiaoji came to the Seven Star Police Station to perform his duties and became the deputy director of the police station in charge of law enforcement and case handling. He took charge of the investigation and handling of criminal, economic and public security cases in the area under his jurisdiction, which is generally called solving cases and arresting people. He takes the lead and goes all out, without complaint or regret. By the end of 2017, the criminal police situation in the jurisdiction decreased by 8.3%.

Fire Eyes and Gold Eyes Lock the Suspect

Combine hardness and softness to make injustice go away

Zhou Xiaoji, male, born in May 1988, a member of the Communist Party of China, majored in criminal technology at university. He has been working on the front line of combating crime and has accumulated rich work experience.

In October 2017, a case of intentional injury occurred at the gate of a community in the jurisdiction. Zhou Xiaoji and his colleagues quickly went to the police to control the scene and send the injured to the hospital, but the suspect disappeared. Zhou Xiaoji sat for hours in front of the monitoring display, took pains to study and analyze with the special case staff to determine the identity and whereabouts of the suspect, and captured the suspect Li. Zhou Xiaoji recalled: "When the suspect appeared at the scene, he was shirtless. We compared the suspect's shoes and pants and finally identified the suspect." Before the evidence, Li confessed to the criminal facts.

This is a duel between mental and physical strength. In an arrest of a suspect, the investigator controlled one of the two suspects, while the other quickly fled after finding the police. Zhou Xiaoji has good eyes and quick reaction. He rushed out with one stride and chased him for more than 1000 meters at a time. "In the end, both of them ran fast and lost their strength, so I rushed to him in one breath and knocked him down." Zhou Xiaoji said that after a wrestling, the suspect finally surrendered.

It takes toughness and ingenuity to be a policeman. One night last June, Zhou Xiaoji was on duty, and a young man in his early 20s came to the police station. "I saw his face sad, and he hesitated to talk. He said something had pressed him for three years, and he couldn't sleep every day." Zhou Xiaoji recalled, "I vaguely felt that this matter was unusual." He patiently and carefully announced the legal policy, and the young man finally put down the "stone" he was holding in his heart and told about a crime committed by his partner three years ago. "He spoke in great detail and provided many key links and process clues, which did not seem to be fabricated." Zhou Xiaoji immediately contacted the units in other provinces and assisted them in their work. Five suspects were captured, which was well received by the brother units in other provinces.

As long as there are cases, he always rushes to the front line, because he has a dream of being a policeman since he was young, to fight against crime and promote justice. "My father is a policeman, who has been influenced by everything since childhood. I also aspire to be a good policeman," Zhou Xiaoji said.

There are no minor cases involving the people

Protect the peace of one side affectionately

Zhou Xiaoji has never forgotten his dream of punishing evil and promoting good and cracking down on crime. The sense of achievement of being a good "hunter" inspires him to move forward by tracing and tracking. He bent down, walked to the masses, and focused on every livelihood case that the masses cared about, so that he deeply felt the power of dreams.

Theft is the most common case type. Among the many cases investigated and dealt with last year, property infringement cases accounted for the majority. In view of the theft of vehicles and stores along the street within the jurisdiction for a period of time, Zhou Xiaoji gave full play to his professional expertise and continuous fighting style, quickly solved the case, captured the suspects, and saved more than 40000 yuan of losses for the masses.

"Take the fight as the defense, and fight all the criminals who endanger the safety of people's lives and property, so as to effectively curb the crime rate. The stability of the district, the satisfaction and sense of security of the people are the most important." Zhou Xiaoji said.

In April last year, there were many cases of motorcycle and electric vehicle batteries stolen in the jurisdiction, and many electric vehicle batteries were stolen in different places on the same night. In just one week, several electric vehicle batteries were stolen, which attracted Zhou Xiaoji's attention. After the case happened, Zhou Xiaoji immediately checked the surrounding surveillance and found a suspicious man. By means of investigation, the scope of activities of the perpetrators was reduced to the area under the jurisdiction of Qixing. However, the perpetrators commit crimes irregularly, and the time and cycle of crimes are not fixed, which brings difficulties to the detection. However, Zhou Xiaoji did not give up. Based on years of experience in handling cases, he gradually found out the whereabouts of the suspect, and arranged for the police to stay behind secretly, and successfully captured the suspect Xu.

There are 4 full-time police officers working in the Seven Star Police Station. Last year, they handled more than 70 various cases, which is very arduous. Zhou Xiaoji completed the circulation and prosecution of all kinds of cases without any conditions, and always fought in the front line of combating crime. When there is no policeman who does not work overtime, the policeman who plays the line is the most ruthless. Zhou Xiaoji has the longest overtime in the Daqu team. The policemen admired him for his ability, dedication, leading by example and taking the lead.

label: Editor: Zhou Shihao

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